ParentPay Clubs - How to access reports for your club(s)

Within your Clubs module, you have a series of reports which will help you manage your clubs and keep track of key metrics such as use/popularity and attendance. 

  This article will teach you...

How to access club reports and interpret the data.

Accessing Club Reports

Navigate to Attendance, Meals, and Events > Clubs.

Once you are in Clubs, select Club Reports [1]. This will display a list and a description of each report alongside the report name. This will help you to distinguish which report you need.


Report Breakdown

The reports include:

Today's Attendance

This will display who is booked into today’s club session and if they have attended (provided you are recording the attendance in the club).


Club Balances
This report will list the balances for all members and all clubs.Club_Balance.png
Club Transactions
This report will list all the credits and charges for your club.clubtransactions.png
Club Usage

This report will display usage statistics and attendance information for your clubs. This report can be used to help with the decision-making process as to whether a club is popular or not. Simply put it shows how many sessions were booked, how many people attended, were late or did not attend (this is all dependent on the attendance being completed) Clubs_usage_example.png

People Summary
This report will display all the sessions a member is booked across all assigned clubs.People_summary_example.png
Audit Trail
This report will list all the club actions carried out by each ParentPay user.audittrail.png

Export and Print

Depending on the desired data, you can click on the report you wish to view. To filter on a column, click the Filter  [1] icon within the column header.


You can now filter specific records using keywords. This saves you time in having to scroll through all the records to find the one you are looking for.

To save a report select Export [2]. This will export all information onto an Excel spreadsheet. You can print the report by selecting Print [3] in the top right corner.


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