ParentPay Clubs - How to Check a Person's Balance

The Club Balance report will display all the clubs and the balances for all club members.

  This article will teach you...

How to check a person's balance within the Clubs Module.

Checking a Person's Balance via Club Balances

Navigate to Attendance, Meals, and Events > Clubs.

Select Club Reports [1] and click on Club Balances [2].


Upon clicking Club Balances [2] you will be able to see a breakdown of the member's Club Balances. The Club balance breakdown the overall balance across your active Clubs. 

Balance [3] shows the overall balance of the Club members who have attended sessions.

Outstanding Balance [4] will show if any of the club members have an outstanding balance across the clubs.

Largest Outstanding Balance [5] will show the member with the largest outstanding balance across all the clubs.


You can Filter [6] out which Club you wish to view the balance on by then selecting a Club [7]


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