CATERER APPLICATION - How to access reports

The advantage of having a caterer application is the ability to report on all organisations being serviced by you in one central location. This means not having to compile reports from multiple places or spreadsheets and also not needing multiple logins.

  This article will teach you how to...

Access the reports section of the caterer application
Give a brief overview of each report available

How to access the reports

1. Log in to the caterer application using the correct credentials.

2. Navigate to Reports[1]


3. From the drop-down menu[2] select the required report and select View[3]


Overview of each report

There are several reports available directly from the system.

ParentPay collection service statement

ParentPay typically settles funds every week to the nominated bank account. A "week" runs from Wednesday - Tuesday. We will deposit any collected funds, less any product/transaction service fee and VAT on these fees directly to the nominated bank account.
These reports will show the breakdown of funds deposited into your organisation and can be filtered by payment item, bank account and even the accounting codes, if you use those. This will help your finance team if you use a finance management system.

ParentPay collection service invoices

This report just shows the fees and VAT split out from the Collection Service Statement report. This report is useful if you are able to claim back the VAT on fees as there is no additional financial information displayed.

Taken meal statistics (Numbers) (Report 01)

This report is used to view the total number of pupils booked to take a meal. You can select a date range and sort the report by meal times if required. You are able to choose all or a single school to report on.
This report can be used to show meal uptake per year and can show a trend between paid vs free school meals as well as genders e.g. meals served to boys vs girls.
The report also compiles a comparison chart at the bottom to show numbers compared to the previous date ranges selected.

Taken meal statistics (Income) (Report 02)

This report is identical to the numbers report except you can show the income related to meals instead of simple numbers.
You are able to choose all or a single school to report on. The report shows meal income across the years and also splits out genders so you can see income from boys vs girls.
The report also compiles a comparison chart at the bottom to show income compared to the previous date ranges selected.

Summary returns general (Report 05)

This report will show the total number of pupil, staff and visitor meals required. The report also includes a breakdown of meal costs and FSM costs.

Summary returns taken meals, served meals, cooked meals (Report 06)

This report shows the total number of meals required by class groups across all schools.

Exception handling meal numbers (Report 10)

This report provides schools, Local Authorities and Caterers with confirmation that the number of meals booked on a specific day matches the number of meals cooked.  This report is useful where meal numbers don't match.

VAT report (Report 11)

This report will show the number of Vatable meals, the total gross income and the total net income over a specific date range.


You can also speak to a member of our support team to discuss the option of having a bespoke report sent as a spreadsheet.

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