CATERER APPLICATION - How to process a refund

As a manager using the caterer application you can process refunds to payers without the need to access an organisations site. This gives you greater control of funds but also eliminates the need to have multiple logins for all of the organisations you work with.

  This article will teach you...

How to process a refund

How to process a refund

  1. Login in as a caterer and navigate to Payment items[1]Payment_ietm_1_CO_1.png
  2. Select the relevant option from the drop-down[2] and select Search[3]Payment_item_1.1_CO2-3.pngA list of organisations will appear
  3. Locate the organisation requesting a refund by scrolling or using the search bar to find the correct organisation
  4. Once located, select the icon under View report[4] that corresponds to the relevant organisation on the same rowPayment_item_search_CO_4.png
  5. Select the required date ranges[5] and select Display payments[6] to update the displayed paymentsPayment_item_2_CO_5-7.png
  6. Locate the pupil by scrolling or using the search field. Once located select the page icon under the View receipt/refund column[7]
  7. Complete the fields with the required information[8] and select Confirm refund[9]Payment_item_3_CO_8-9.png
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