Whiteboard and booking settings can be amended via Cypad > Settings > Site Info > Whiteboard
Use Menus: Always ticked.
Parent pre-order lead days: Can be used in conjunction with parent pre-order cut off time to set the number of days in advance that parents need to be pre-ordering by.
Whiteboard pre-order lead days: Determines which days will show as the current or next day on the whiteboard. For example, if the school login to the whiteboard on a Monday and their lead days are set to 2, they will see Wednesday’s selections.
Enable parent pre-selection: If unticked, parents can’t pre-select meals (the “Make or View Meal Bookings” tab on School Gateway is no longer functional on SGW, and shows a 404 server error on SGA) and all pre-selections need to be done via the whiteboard or via the Pre-orders tab only.
Number of weeks: The maximum number of weeks in advance that parents are able to select meals for (10 weeks into the future maximum is the default).
Parent selection can be removed on whiteboard: If unticked, parent pre-orders from School Gateway can’t be changed on the whiteboard
Pre-orders can be changed on tablet: If unticked, meal selections can’t be changed on the tablet; they can only confirm the original pre-order choice.
Parent pre-order cut off time: The latest time that a meal can be selected (used in conjunction with the “pre-order lead days” option).
If the school have ‘parent pre-order lead days' set to 0, 08:00 is the latest time that can be entered.
If the lead days are 1+, any cut-off time can be entered.
Enable student pre-selection: If this is unticked, there is only the option of pre-selection via School Gateway and the school won’t have access to load selections via the whiteboard.
Enable for following day: If ticked, the school can view/select pre-orders for the next day
Show student photo: If ticked, the whiteboard will display the photo assigned to the student (if none assigned, shows the head and shoulders outline icon.)
Enable break pre-selection: / Enable breakfast pre-selection: Allow breakfast/break selections via the whiteboard (does not show in School Gateway)
Hide names on whiteboard based on debt limits: If a student doesn’t have enough credit to select a meal they will only see free menu items (e.g. Packed Lunch). This can’t be selected if the school have the Attendance feature enabled
Only on credit: only show students who are in credit