If a payment is greyed out when trying to action a refund in Online Transaction Refunds and you are unable to select 'Yes' on a payment you wish to refund, this means the payment has not yet cleared from the parent's bank account, so cannot yet be refunded.
Payments can take up to 7 days to clear from the parent's account, so please wait until this time has elapsed before attempting to issue a refund.
Any payments made outside of the 180-day window, or payments made with cash, would have to be refunded as a manual transaction. Click here to assist you in refunding via manual transactions. When refunding via manual transactions, you will need to refund the parent/carer with either cash or cheque.
Please be aware: The manual transaction process is purely an internal accounting procedure and does not refund monies or transfer monies between bank accounts.
When refunding via manual transaction you will need to refund the parent/carer with either cash/cheque or a direct transfer from the schools bank account to the parents.