Success Alert Banners
Users can now dismiss any notification banners that appear. For example, when a Payer makes a payment and the Success banner appears at the top of the page, or when a user is alerted that they can view information for a child’s old and new school. Any notification banners that have a small 'x' on the right-hand side can be cleared by the user.
Optional Payment E-Mails
It is now non-mandatory to enable a user to leave the field blank if they do not want to receive Email receipts for payments made to the associated Bank Account. Previously an email address was required, otherwise, an error would be displayed.
E-Mail Double Input Validation
Following on from the changes implemented in PP-16613 (Ability to choose whether I receive
payment emails) an additional Confirm email address field has been added to the Bank Account
details section to ensure a user enters the email address for payment receipts correctly.
Multiple Meal Patterns
A School Manager is now able to assign any PSOVP (Pupil, Staff, Other, Visitor, Pre-admission) to more than one concurrent pattern on the same day.
For example, they could add a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday pattern for a School
Meal to an individual pupil, and then assign a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
pattern to the same individual for a Breakfast Club.
PP-15715 - Edit Meal Pattern Assignees
Patterns module will provide a School Manager with the option to edit the assignees of an
event pattern. The School Manager will need to select the existing pattern and click the option to Edit the pattern. The pattern wizard will open and the School Manager can click through the wizard to the Add people page where they can add or remove people to or from the existing event pattern
PP-16494 - Manager Event Types
A school only has access to create event patterns, via the new Patterns module, for the Event Times they have purchased. For example, a school that has purchased access to all Event Times will be able to create event patterns for any of those Event Times that have a suitable Event Type created.
If a school has only purchased access to the Lunchtime and Adjustment Event Types they will only be able to create event patterns for those specific Event Types.
PP-16198 - Backdate UPFSM Dates
As part of the Universal Primary Free School Meals project for Welsh schools, the requirement for
this story was to provide a School Manager with the ability to backdate the UPFSM allowances to a
date in the past. A School Manager will have the ability to select a Start date for the UPFSM entitlement for each Year group via the UPFSM allowance page in the Manager application.
PP-16940 - Clubs Balance Fields
The balance for a Club is visible on the Add people and assign payment items page from within the ParentPay Communication Centre.
PP-15396 - Correct Clubs Balance
The Club balance is displayed correctly in all areas of the ParentPay Manager application.
Example areas where the Club balance will be displayed are as follows:
Balance letters produced via the ParentPay Communication Centre
View the assigned user screen
Pupil statement
Low balance report
Debt report
The balance displayed will need to match the balance available in the Clubs module against the Club payment item.