PP-19510 - Microservice Import Alert Messages
It was reported that when a School Manager performs a pupil import using the Pebble/Tali
microservice, via People > Uploads > Pebble / Tali upload within the Manager application, once the
import has been completed no success or failure notification banner is being displayed.
The Uploads page should display a green success message if the import is successful, or a red error
message if the import fails. A fix has been deployed to ensure microservice imports display a success or failure message on the Upload page when an import is processed.
PP-20102 - Auto Top-Up Process Changed
Monitoring of the Auto Top-up process identified that a number of schools have a large amount of
Auto Top-ups configured (hundreds in some cases). As part of ongoing enhancements to the Auto Top-up features it was agreed that the rules processor should be amended to start and end the timeout for each top-up, rather than per school.
The required enhancements have been deployed, and the rules processor has been amended to
start and end the timeout per top-up.
PP-19586 - Red Meal Type Balances
It was reported that the negative balances for balance payment items were not consistently shown
in red in the Parent application. A negative balance was displayed in blue on the Payment item list page and red on the Child page.
It was agreed that negative balances should always be displayed in red for consistency across the
Parent application.
A fix has been deployed to correct any negative balances that are shown in blue and ensure the
a negative balance is displayed in red.
PP-19971 - Patterns Conflicting Message
It was reported that conflicts, which should be appearing within the Patterns section (accessed via
People > Pupils and staff > select pupil > Patterns), were not being displayed.
When a user attempts to create a pattern for the same day(s) against the same Event Time, an error
should be displayed stating there is a conflict. However, instead of showing a conflict error, the
system was instead adding the additional pattern created.
A fix has been deployed to ensure a conflict error is displayed when a user attempts to create a
pattern for the same day(s) against the same Event Time.
PP-18893 - Report 13 FSM/UIFSM Filter Fix
It was reported that the Advanced event supervisor report (Report 13), accessed via Attendance,
meals & Events> Reports > Register reports, was not filtering correctly on UiFSM or FSM pupils. When the UiFSM, or the FSM, filter is selected from the group 2 dropdown menu the report should
only display UiFSM / FSM entitled pupils.
A fix has been deployed to ensure the Advanced event supervisor report (Report 13) correctly filters the report to only display UiFSM / FSM entitled pupils when the UiFSM or FSM group has been selected from the dropdown menu for group 2.