ParentPay Clubs - How to book a person onto a session

As a manager you may need to book a child onto a club session that has not been pre-booked by the parent or carer. This will ensure that suitable payment is charged and that their booking is appropriately recorded for reporting consideations..

  This article will teach you...

How to book a person onto a club session

Navigate to Attendance, meals & events > Clubs

Select the club from the Active clubs list then click Book people onto sessions[1]


You will now need to add the people you want to book sessions for, this could be a single person or multiple.

Select the relevant people[2] and click Add[3]


Scroll down and locate the Booking choice section (this will only be applicable if you have booking options)

Select the relevant booking options[4] before scrolling down again.


Select the relevant session dates and click the relevant dates.


  • Grey dates - Club sessions are not available
  • Dark blue dates - Club sessions available
  • Light blue dates - Session has been selected

When you are ready click Book

The final step is to confirm the bookings


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