Marking attendance is an important part of safeguarding your pupils or students, knowing that those that should be at a session are where they are supposed to be. Additionally, by marking attendance you can gain insight on how successful a club has been, comparing numbers booked to numbers attended..
This article will teach you...
How to record attendance using the clubs feature.
Navigate to Attendance, meals & events > Clubs
Select the club from the Active clubs list then select Manage sessions[1]
By default, today's date will be selected[3] but you can change this by selecting a date from the sessions section[2].
Click Record attendance[4]
If you'd prefer a paper register to print off, select Print register instead. You may still need to come here and record the attendance digitally to populate reports.
A pop-up window will appear with drop-down menus next to each person. here you can mark them as Not signed in, Present, Late or Absent[5]
If all people are present you can select the option to Mark all as present[6] to save time
When you have finished click Save[7]
This information will help with safeguarding and also will populate some of the clubs reports to show club usage.
You may also wish to print the register for your staff to manually capture the attendance. Please refer to ParentPay Clubs - Printing a Clubs Register for more information.