How to set up a Prom payment item

As you are coming to the end of the school year and some pupils will be finishing their exams. You may want to offer those pupils the opportunity to celebrate in style with a Prom.

This article will teach you create a payment item using one of two options.

How to create a payment item for your Promenade dance (Prom) to cover the cost of the function room, food, and music....

There are a couple of ways to create the payment item such as:

Option 1 is a single payment item for the cost of a ticket.  With this option, you can include the option to purchase more than one ticket.

Option 2 uses the trip module to collect information electronically and use installment payments if necessary.

Option 1
  • Go to Payment items > Create other payment item
    Create new payment item.png
  • Select an ‘Other (please specify)' don't be tempted to use the trip option.
  • Enter Prom.  This will be displayed alongside your payment item name under the category area. 
  • Click Next.
    catagory for payment item.png
  • You can choose the type of payment item you wish to create. For the Prom choose Once only at the top of the page to see the once only payment item types.

    Please note: A variety of payment items are available to accommodate the different types of payments that you might wish to collect. These are covered in the Payment item overview article should you require a breakdown of the different types.

  • You can choose one of the following,
    If cost is the same for all invited, choose 'Once only, fixed amount' (6).
    If you have a limited number of spaces, choose 'Once only, Limited availability' (6a).
    If you offer the opportunity to purchase more than one ticket then choose 'Once only, fixed amount with quantity' (6b).
    As soon as you select the option you require a form will appear.
    Once only payment choices.png
  • Enter the name –  Such as Year 11/12 Prom July 2023.  Keeping the name simple and relevant will help you run reports.
  • Enter the description – The description enables you to provide detailed information to payers about the payment item. You can include hyperlinks to relevant websites to provide further information if you want to.  If you have to collect information from the parent enter the question in the description field.
    Payment item name and description.png
  • If you have asked the parents a question in the description then select the Notes option – optional or Mandatory.  If no information is required select the No Notes field.  If mandatory is selected, the payer will be unable to complete payment until they have provided the information required.
    Notes option.png
  • You can choose to enter a due date to inform payers when payment should be made by. Please note: This is for information only and will not prevent parents/carers from making payments after this date. 
    Due date.png
  • If you wish parent/carers to be able to purchase more than one Prom ticket, tick this box. Enter the Default quantity, Minimum quantity and Maximum quantity.

    Please note: The Default quantity will be displayed to payers but they are able to change this within the limits set by the school.

  • If there is a limit to the number of places or items, tick the box for Limited Availability and enter the number that you have available.
    Limited availability.png
  • Enter the Default amount – This is the total cost of the item/activity.
  • Enter the minimum and maximum payments.

    Please note: for Single fixed-cost items these should all be the same amount. Do not tick any options

  • Choose the bank account you would like to credit payments to for the new payment item.

  • (Optional) You can use up to six reporting codes. Enter these in the Account Code and Description boxes or you can select from the pre-populated drop-down menus (has to have been set up by ParentPay). The reporting codes will be included in certain reports and in your settlement statements.
    Bank account details 15 & 16.png

  • Tick any required boxes in the section below.

  • Click Save payment item.

    Check boxes 17 & 18.png

  • You will see confirmation that your payment item has been saved and you will have to assign people in order for parents to see and make use of it.
    Success message 19 & 20.png

    Please refer to the guidance ‘Assigning people to payment items’ for help on how to do this.

Option 2
  • Go to Payment items
  • Select the trips optionSteps 1 & 2.png
  • Select Create trip. 
    Create new trip step 3.png
  • Enter the name of your event. 
  • Select Create trip. 
    Name trip and create trip 4 & 5.png
  • The name that you entered on the first screen will appear on this screen and can be edited the same as the short name (this is used for SMS text messages).
    Please note: that there are a limited number of characters in these fields.  These are limited to numerical or alphabetical characters only. 
    Name and short name 6 & 7.png
  • Enter the details of the event in the description field.
    Please note: There is no need to add the cost or the dates in this section as these will be added in a later section.
    • The ability to format the text using the heading options.
    • Draw attention to important or useful information by using the text formatting toolbar to underline, bold or italic.
    • Adding images, videos (from previous proms) or links to the venue is also an option.   To see how to use these functions take a look at this article.
      Description 8 & 9.png
  • Do you have limited spaces? Select Yes, or No if it's open for all to attend.
  • Read information, carefully about limited spaces and possible over subscribing. 
  • Enter the number of spaces available.
    Trip limited places 10, 11, 12.png
  • Enter the date of the trip - single day.
  • Save and continue.
    Date of trip and save - 13 and 14.png
  • Choose Payment Type, Free of charge (no cost), Voluntary (payer pays anything up to total cost), Fixed amount (payer pays whole amount in one go), or installments (broken up to small payments over a period of time).
    Cost options - 15.png
    • Free of charge would require a confirmation date the payer would need to confirm attendance  by this date.
      Free of charge 16.png
    • Single payment  - fixed amount one payment only.
      Single fixed amount.png
    • Voluntary contribution - any amount from zero to total cost - single payment.
      Voluntary contribution 16.png
    • If you are happy to accept payments after the due date keep the box ticked. 
      Allow dates after due date.png
    • Instalments - choose from 2 to 6 instalments first instalment will be classed as a deposit. 
      Instalments and choose amount 16.png
    • Complete the Amount, Due date and if you are not flexible with payment dates untick the allow payments after due date boxes.
      Instalment amounts - highlighted areas.png
      Please note: Once published and payments received this can not be changed.
  • Select the correct bank account from the drop-down (if you have multiple options). 
  • If you use accounting codes select yes and enter the cost codes for your school, if not select no.
    Select bank account - highlighted.pngAccounting codes.png
  • No accounting codes, simply Save & continue.
    No accounting codes and save & continue - 17 & 18.png
  • Consent page. Here you can change or add to the consent information.
  • Tick the relevant options depending on the information you need from the payer.
    Add your own questions, such as consent to the child being included in photos.
  • Save and continue.
    Consent for trip full section - 19, 20, 21 & 22.png
  • Assign people to the trip. 
  • Select the 'Assign people to the trip' button.
    Assign people 23.png
  • Choose the relevant year or reg. group from the list.
    Add year group 24.png
  • Add individuals such as staff or pupils from another reg or year group.  This is known as a dynamic search field, (start typing a name and the list will filter the names).  Select the relevant person/s.
    Add individual 25.png
  • Once you have all of the relevant people added, select the Assign People button.
    Assign 26.png
  • If you need to assign more people select the 'Assign more people' button.
  • Any of the columns' are sortable apart from the remove. Easy to see if a pupil is entitled to free school meals, click to sort.
  • If you have to remove a pupil from the trip select this icon, the payer will not see the payment item once you have published the trip. 
    Assign more people 27.png
  • Select 'Save and continue'.
    Save and continue 30.png
  • The final stage is an overview of your trip.
  • Select 'back to people' to make changes.
  • To save for later select 'save for later' this will allow you to preview the summary of the trip and edit any section before publishing.
  • To make it visible to payers and receive payments select 'Publish'.
    Publish, save for later 31.png
  • Once live use the summary page to view payments made, take a look at the following article.
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