When should I delete leavers from Schoolcomms?
If using Cypad/Meal Manager please click here to access important information before marking your pupils as leavers.
If a school member has left the school and they have been marked as a leaver (School members need to have a roll status of 'Former' to be marked as a leaver in Schoolcomms) in RM Integris, they will then be marked as a leaver the next time the import is run in Schoolcomms.
Please note:
- School members need to have a roll status of 'Former' to be marked as a leaver in Schoolcomms
- School members WILL be imported into Schoolcomms if the roll status is 'Current' regardless of the leaving date.
- School members WILL NOT be imported into Schoolcomms if the roll status is 'Former' regardless of the leaving date
Once you have saved any information/messages relating to these members, and you are certain that no payments or club bookings will need to be made by the parent(s), you can remove them from Schoolcomms using the delete leavers process.
Student leaving dates
Schoolcomms will pick up the leaving date from the child’s Arbor record.
Staff leaving dates
Schoolcomms will pick up the contract end date from the staff member's Arbor record.
To delete leavers in Schoolcomms:
- Click on Management
- Import Management
- You will then see Delete Leavers, select this option and highlight the members you want to delete in the left-hand box and select Add.
- Click OK to confirm the members for deletion.
When the delete leavers process is followed and you receive the success message, the leavers will be queued for deletion from our database, so you may continue to see members who are in the process of being deleted for a short period of time until they are removed (this timescale will depend on the number of leavers being deleted).