Remove an item from a menu if parents have already booked - any pre-orders with this menu item will be removed.
Change the sub-type of a menu item if bookings have been made - no change (pre-orders still remain).
Add a theme day when bookings have been made against the ‘normal' menu for that week - any pre-orders for the day will be removed.
Remove a theme day when bookings have been made - any pre-orders for the day will be removed.
Change the menu rotation in Templates (e.g. replace week 1 with week 2) - any pre-orders for the week will be removed.
Add a photo to an existing menu item when bookings have been made - no change (pre-orders still remain)
Assign an allergy or diet type to a child/menu item and pre-orders have been made, and there is now a conflict - pre-orders are not removed so would need to be removed manually.