School Gateway settings

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School Gateway Settings

Within the Clubs screen select the club from the list on the left-hand side of the screen, and then click in to the Confirm School Gateway settings box in the middle of the screen.



Clubs where sessions can be booked individually

  • Firstly, you will see Visibility Settings where you can choose whether you want parents/staff to view sessions on School Gateway.
  • If you choose Yes to either, then Online booking options are selectable. Here you can choose whether parents/staff can book sessions on School Gateway and when the individual session bookings can be made until.


  • If you have chosen Yes to parents/staff booking online, then Club capacity is selectable, and you can choose to limit the number of available places on each session.
  • You are then able to choose if you would like parents to be able to cancel or change their own bookings, via School Gateway. If you tick the box to Enable cancellations and changes for online bookings parents will be able to cancel or amend their bookings up until the bookings cut off point selected above. If you choose not to enable this feature, booking amendments and cancellations will need to be made internally by a member of staff.
  • You can then choose if you want the parents to pay when they book select Pay Now or book and then pay later select Pay Later. When paying later the cost of the bookings will be reflected within the child’s club balance.


The Pay Now feature will only work when the payment request type is Clubs flexible: can be paid more than once.

Enrichment Style/Block Booking Clubs

  • Firstly you will see Visibility Settings where you can choose whether you want parents/staff to view sessions on School Gateway.
  • If you choose Yes to either, then Online booking options are selectable. Here you can choose whether parents/staff can book the club on School Gateway and the date and time the entire club can be booked up until.


  • If you have chosen Yes to parents/staff booking online, then Club capacity is selectable and you can choose to limit the number of available places on each session.
  • You can then choose if you want the parents to pay when they book select Pay Now or book and then pay later select Pay Later. When paying later the cost of the bookings will be reflected within the child’s club balance.


The Pay Now feature will only work when the payment request type is Clubs flexible: can be paid more than once.

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