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Frequently asked questions in regards to UFSM.

My school has been set up for London Free School Meals but shouldn't have been.  How do I switch it off?

You will need to contact the service desk to have this option disabled for your school.

My parents booked meals before the allowance was enabled and have requested a refund. What should I do?

You can either use the standard refund process to send the funds back to the parent or should they prefer, it may be possible to allocate the funds to another payment item (if both payment items are attached to the same bank account).  Alternatively, the parent may choose to leave the money in place for future paid-for meals and snacks.

Our meal bookings were limited to the end of the current academic year and now parents are unable to book for the new year.  What should I do?

You will need to extend your meal bookings into the new year and notify your parents that the meals are now available to book.

Our meals are more expensive than the current allowance but we would like to cover the difference. What should I do?

Contact our service desk team and they will be able to set the appropriate value for you.

We need to be able to report on the different free meals being taken by children at our school.  Is there anything I need to do to enable this?

All the appropriate meal reports have FSM, UFSM, and where appropriate, LFSM as a field option.  This will enable you to review meals taken for each group over the periods you wish to review.

How do I set up London Free School Meals?

LFSM is simply a variant of Universal Free School Meals (UFSM) in the London region specifically designed for KS2 pupils. To configure this follow the normal setup process for UFSM and apply it to Junior/KS2 year groups, where appropriate.

How do I setup UFSM?

How do I apply UFSM?

How do I enable UFSM for break or breakfast sessions?


UPFSM is called UIFSM (Universal Infant Free School Meals) throughout the Cypad system.

  1. Go to System > Sites > select a Site > Meal Selection tab [1]
  2. Click the checkboxes for the options to consider UIFSM for Breakfast and Break [2]
  3. When you have configured the UIFSM options click Save [3].

What if schools are rolling out UFSM at different rates?

If there are exceptions within your estate (i.e. schools which implementing UPFSM to their years at a different time to the majority) then you will need to ask these schools to name their year groups differently in their MIS so that this is picked up by Cypad.

For example, if most schools name their Reception year group “R”, then you can assign the UIFSM flag to the year group “R” within Cypad. Exceptions should change the year group name to something else (e.g. “RE”) so that this can be picked up separately within Cypad.

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