How to create a teacher account for classroom selection

Using ParentPay you can create a teacher account to be used within Classroom Selection.

  This article will teach you...

How to create a teacher account for classroom selection.


To create additional Teacher accounts you will need to be logged in as an existing manager with the Overall role.

  1. Navigate to Settings. 
  2. Click Manage Users.
  3. Select Create new login.
    Manage Users - step 1 to 3.png
  4. Select Type of user, in this instance you need to ensure Teacher is selected.
    Creating a new teacher account Manager type - step 4.png
  5. Completed all the details in the form.
  6. Select Save New User
    Teacher details with steps.png
  7. A confirmation dialogue will be displayed, select OK to be taken to the Manager teacher accounts screen.
    Confirmation message step 7.png

  8. Notify the teacher of their new activation username and password.
    teacher account details screen - step 8.png
  9. Once the teacher has activated the account they will need to verify it by using the verification link sent to their email address.


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