Register (Report 04)

The Register report provides a classic attendance sheet that can be used to mark people into activities, events and meal sittings.

  This article will teach you...

How to locate and open the Register (Report 04) report.

This report will provide an attendance sheet for marking people into meals, clubs, or any other event. The results can be tailored to meet your specific requirements, filtering to individual groups, and displaying options such as FSM entitlement, current balance information, and morning attendance.

  1. Navigate to Attendance, meals & EventsReports
  2. From the list, expand the Register Reports Tab
  3. Select Register (Report 04)
  4. Refine your search by entering the type of consumer in Group 1, the year/class/group in Group2, or the name in the Choose Pupil field.
  5. Select the date you wish to display the attendance register for.
  6. Select the appropriate Payment Item (only those associated with events will be displayed).
  7. Select the appropriate event time and type.
  8. Choose from the available tick boxes to add columns to your results if desired or group the content.
  9. Select Show day register to see a single day or Show week register to see the whole week (Mon-Fri) that contains the selected day.
  10. You can now use Print as PDF to pass the report to someone to take the register.


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