How to apply UFSM in SIMS

To apply UFSM to specific pupils, we would advise that a User Defined Field is added to SIMS Section 6 of the pupils record. (Please find instructions below to assist you with applying the User Defined Field). 

Please note: Do not apply any dates to the Eligible for Free Meals box (highlighted in red). If they are applied to the Eligible box, the census will pick this data up.

Below in green is where we suggest this is added:

London FSM defined field.jpg

You can then report on that field and filter the report to include Year R, 1 & 2 which will isolate the UIFSM. Alternatively, you can add a 2nd field and have two checkboxes; one for UFSM and another for UIFSM.

How to create a User Defined Field in SIMS

Please go to Tools | Setups | User Defined Fields.


  • Select New to create a new user defined field.
  • Enter the appropriate description (eg. London FSM).
  • Select the type of UDF (likely to be true/false).
  • Select Person in the Data Domain.
  • Select Student Details in the Page column by ticking the box on the left.
  • Select Dietary in the Panel column by using the partially hidden drop box on the right of the field.
  • Ensure Active box is ticked.


  • Save the User Defined Field.
    The User Defined Field will then appear for all Students.
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