Menus - Assigning & Removing a Menu from a Template

After the creation of a weekly menu, you will need to assign it to a week so Students/Staff are able to select meals. You may refer to this as a menu rotation. There may be occasions where the weekly menu needs to be removed e.g. a change in menu or where a menu has been added in error.

  This article will teach you...

How to assign a menu template to a specific week or remove it if needed.

Classic User Interface Guidance

Classic User Interface Guidance

Accessing Menus 

  1. Navigate to Menus > Templates.
  2. Select the Relevant Menu Template [1] to load up all currently available weeks.
    Templates - Templates.png
  3. Drag the Created Menu [2] from the Menu List and place it within the Relevant Week [3].
  4. Click Save [4].
    Dragging Menu Template.png

Assigning a Menu to a Template

  1. Navigate to Menus > Template.
  2. Click on the Relevant Template [1].
  3. Locate the created menu within the Menu Column [2].
    1. Template.png
  4. Locate the Required Week [3] using the date column.
  5. Left-click and drag the Menus [4] into the Blank Lunch, Breakfast, or Break Field.
    2. Dragging Template.png
  6. Click Save [5].
    3. Save.png

Removing a Weekly Menu


Following this process will remove any pre-orders associated with the Menu, only remove the template if you are confident it is the correct one.

Classic User Interface Guidance

Classic User Interface Guidance

Accessing Menus

  1. Navigate to Menus > Templates.
  2. Select the Relevant Menu Template [1].
    Templates - Templates.png
  3. Locate the Assigned Menu [2] and click the Cross to the right of the menu name.
    Menu Name.png
  4. A Warning Message [3] will appear informing the user of the consequences of this action, Click OK to proceed with the removal or Cancel to return to the Menu Week screen.Warning Message.png
  5. Select Save [4] in the top left corner.

Removing Menu Template

  1. Navigate to Menus > Templates.
  2. Click on the Relevant Menu Template [1].
    1. Template.png
  3. Assigned Menus can be found under the Category [2]
  4. Click on the Cross [3] next to the assigned menu.
    2. Assigned Menus.png
  5. Clicking the cross "X" will show a warning message in regard to any pre-orders, to proceed press Yes [4]. You may wish to inform people that their pre-order has been affected due to this change. 
    3. Warning Message.png
  6. The Removed Menu Template Column [5] will now be blank.
  7. Click Save [6].
    4. Save.png

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