Meals - Manually Repopulating Student Menu

Often students are added to the MIS late. If the student has taken a meal in the interim period, this needs to be recorded retrospectively.

  This article will teach you...

How to manually repopulate the Student Menu.

Classic User Interface Guidance

Classic User Interface Guidance
  1. Navigate to Payments > Transactions.
  2. Find the Relevant Pupil Record [1].
    Student Record.png
  3. Using the Date Filter [2] find the required week.
  4. Open the Menu Details by clicking on the Day Checkbox [3].
    Date Dilter and Checkbox.png
  5. A new window will open, located within the header click on Repopulate Menu [4].
    Repopulate Menu.png
  6. The following Confirmation Message will now appear on the screen, click on OK [5] to repopulate the menu or Cancel [6] to stop the process. 
    confirmation message.png
  7. Menu Items [7] from the assigned Menu Template for that week will now appear within the record window.
    Menu Items.png

Manually Repopulating Student Menu

  1. Navigate to Meals > Meals.
  2. If required, select a Site [1] from the navigation menu.
    1. Class List.png
  3. Find the Relevant Student [2].
    2. Student.png
  4. Click on the Relevant Weekday Checkbox [3].
    1. Weekday Checkbox.png
  5. Use the Date Filter [4] to find the required week.
    1.Date Filter.png
  6. Click Actions [5].
  7. Click Repopulate Menus [6].
    2. Repopulate Menus.png
  8. Click Yes [7].
    3. Confirm Message.png
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