Menus - Creating Break and Breakfast Menus

Users can create 3 different types of Menus on Cypad; Break, Breakfast and Lunch.

  This article will teach you...

How to create Break and Breakfast menus.

Creating Break and Breakfast Menus

  1. Navigate to Menus > Menus.
  2. Within the Navigation Bar, click Breakfast [1] or Break [2].
    Break and Breakfast Add.png
  3. Located on the far right, open the Actions Menu [3].
  4. Click Add Menu [4].

  5. Set Menu Description (Name) [5].
  6. Select either Break or Breakfast within the Menu Category Drop-Down [6].
  7. Choose which Areas [7] the Menus will be visible to.
  8. Click Save [8].
    Menu Description.png


    The process for both Breakfast and Break Menus is exactly the same.

  9. Within the Category List [9], click on the newly Created Menu [10].
    Created Menu.png
  10. Click and Drag the Relevant Menu Items [11] into the Categories [12].
    Dragging Items.png
  11. Click Save.

Assigning Menus to Template

  1. Navigate to Menus > Template.
  2. Select the Template [1] to which the previously created Break or Breakfast Menu will be assigned.
    Template Menu.png
  3. Open either the Breakfast [2] or Break [3] categories to view all available menus.
    Template View.png
  4. Drag the relevant menu into the Breakfast or Break Category.
  5. Click Save.
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