How do I switch key and secondary contacts

You may be required to change the key contact in ParentPay after you have added a new contact.

  This article will teach you...

How to switch the key contact in ParentPay

  • Search for the pupil using the search bar
  • Click on the pupil's name               
  • Locate the Contacts section and you will see the Key contact and secondary contact
  • Click merge or split accounts next to the secondary contact
  • Click merge accounts                                                     
  • In the Pupil name search box type the pupil's name and click Search
  • Where it says "Select a pupil from the list to merge" choose the pupil that has the other contact against them and make sure "Choose contact type" says Primary Contact
  • Click Merge Now
  • You will get a message saying "(Primary Payer's name) is currently the primary contact for pupil (pupil's name). Do you want to make (second contact's name) the new primary contact for (pupil's name)?
  • Click Yes to confirm
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