Create a new payment request

  • To create a new payment request go to Payments > Create Payment Request
  • Give your payment request a name and select the appropriate payment request type.

    If you would like more detail about payment request types please click here.


    Schoolcomms Clubs or Dinners customers will be used when creating chargeable clubs or setting up new dinner plans. Schools using either SIMS dinner money or a cashless caterer will; also see either dinner money or catering payment request types.

  • The visible from and until dates determine the date range that the invited School Gateway user will be able to see the payment request online.
  • Select Require consent if you wish to gain parental consent (only parents with Parental Responsibility can see payment requests that require consent).
  • Select Require payer comment if you want to force the payer to leave a comment before they are able to process the payment.
  • Select bank account.
  • Add a CFR code (consistent financial reporting framework) if required.

CRF code.png

CFR code options.png

CFR final image.png

  • Enter cost centre if required (this will only be visible in Schoolcomms payment reports and will not show on your bank statement). There is also the option to add additional cost centre codes. 
    Adding one or more cost centre codes is optional, however, validation will show if an additional cost centre field is added but no data is entered.
    You can remove additional cost centre codes by clicking on the delete icon

Cost centre 1.png

Cost centre 2.png

  • Enter the instalment details of the payment. If you are using a paid in instalments type, use the Add Instalment button to add a new instalment.
  • If you wish to limit the number of places on the payment request available, please use the limited places tick box. This will cap the number of members can pay on this request, once the limit has been reached the payment request will not appear on members School Gateway accounts
  • To select members, use the list on the left of the screen and highlight the member(s)/group(s) from the list and click Add; the selected members will be moved to the right hand box
  • When you are happy with the request select Save, or Cancel to return to the Payment Request screen
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