Recipes - Sections

Sections can be created within Recipes to organise stock items.

  This article will teach you...

How to create sections and organise stock items in your recipes

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Creating a Recipe Section

  1. Navigate to Menus > Recipies.
  2. Select a Menu Item Type [1].
    Recipie Menu Type.png
  3. Click Actions [2].
    2. Open Actions.png
  4. Click Add Section [3].
    3. Add Section.png
  5. Type Section Name [4].
  6. Tick Section Colour [5].
  7. Click Colour Number [6].
    4. Section Details.png
  8. Select a Colour [7].
  9. Click Select [8].
  10. Click Ok [9].
    5. Colour Config.png
  11. View Created Recipe Section.
    6. Recipe View.png

Organising Stock Items within Recipe Sections

  1. Navigate to Menus > Recipies.
  2. Click on the Relevant Menu Item Type [1].
    1. Selecting Menu Item Type.png
  3. Use the Ingredient Search Bar [2] to search for the menu items you wish to add to the section.
  4. Drag and drop the Menu Item [3] underneath the Created Section [4].
    2. Menu Items.png
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