Meals Prices Hierarchy and Price Books

With the introduction of the new Cypad Payments UI, the meal pricing structure has been overhauled and improved for more ease of use. Price Books have been added to the system allowing users to manage and make meal price changes in advance.

  This article will teach you...

The new meal pricing hierarchy and how to add, edit, and delete price books.

Meal Pricing Hierarchy

The image below shows the updated meal pricing hierarchy. This new structure starts with the individual Menu Item Price, followed by the Site Price (Year), and the Default Price (Database). Users now have the option to skip pricing levels. The following section will guide you on how to update meal prices and what happens when opting to 'Skip Pricing Level'.


The new pricing hierarchy is only available on the New UI, for more information on the previous pricing hierarchy please see the following article.

Menu Item Pricing

First-level meal pricing is the specific Menu Items:

  1. Navigate to Menus > Items.
  2. Select a Menu Item [1].
    1. Menu Items.png
  3. Open Meal Prices [2].
    2. Meal Prices Tab.png
  4. Set the Student Prices or select Skip Pricing Level [3].
    3. Skip Pricing Level.png
  5. Click Save [4].
    4. Save.png

Selecting 'Skip Pricing Level' will skip the menu item pricing and will pull meal price information from the site level.

Site Level Pricing

  1. Navigate to System > Sites.
  2. Select the Relevant Site [1].
    1. Selecting Site.png
  3. Open Meal Prices [2].
    2. Meal Prices Tab.png
  4. Set the Student Prices or select Skip Pricing Level [3].
    3. Skip Meal Prices.png
  5. Click Save [4].
    4. Save.png

If 'Skip Pricing Level' has been selected in both menu item pricing and site level pricing, meal prices will be pulled from the database level.

Database Level Pricing

Database level is the final section of the meal pricing hierarchy, 'Skip Pricing Level' cannot be skipped in this section.

  1. Navigate to Meals > Admin.
  2. Open Meal Prices [1].
    1. Meal Prices Tab.png
  3. Set the Student Prices [2].
    2. Setting Meal Prices.png
  4. Click Save [3].
    3. Save.png

Price Books

Price Books allow users to set a timeframe where all meal prices will be updated, for example, the system can be set to change all meal prices in the school holiday.

Adding a New Price Book

Adding a price book can be actioned across all meal pricing levels, depending on the requirements navigate to either:

  • Menus > Items > Meal Prices Tab.
  • System > Site > Meal Prices Tab.
  • Meals > Admin > Meal Prices Tab.
  1. Click Actions [1].
    1. Actions.png
  2. Click Add Price Book [2].
    2. Add Price Book.png
  3. Set the Date [3].
  4. Set the Meal Prices [4].
    3. Adding Date and Meal Prices.png
  5. Click Save [5].
    4. Save.png
  6. Created Price Books can be found within the Effective Date Dropdown [6].
    5. Created Price Books.png

Editing a Price Book

After creating a price book it is possible to edit the information before the selected date.

Navigate to either:

  • Menus > Items > Meal Prices Tab.
  • System > Site > Meal Prices Tab.
  • Meals > Admin > Meal Prices Tab.
  1. Select the Created Pricing Book [1] from the effective date dropdown.
    1. Selecting Price Book.png
  2. Update the Meal Prices [2].
    2. Updating Meal Prices.png
  3. Click Save [3].
    3. Save.png

Deleting a Price Book

Price books can be removed from the system although this comes with some risk to the pre-orders covered in the section below.

Navigate to either:

  • Menus > Items > Meal Prices Tab.
  • System > Site > Meal Prices Tab.
  • Meals > Admin > Meal Prices Tab.
  1. Select the Created Pricing Book [1] from the effective date dropdown.
    1. Selecting Price Book.png
  2. Click Actions [2].
    2. Actions Menu.png
  3. Click Delete Price Book [3].
    3. Delete Pricebook.png
  4. A warning message will state that deleting the price book may affect future pre-orders, this process will not remove pre-orders from the system but any pre-selected meals made by parents may pay a different price than what was displayed when selecting the meal. Click Yes [4] if you are happy to proceed.
    4. Warning Message.png
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