SIMS Connected - How to upload Staff, Visitors or Others

You may need to upload accounts for people such as visitors, teachers or staff maybe even governors so they can pay for meals or buy items through ParentPay.

This article will teach you...

How to complete a manual upload for:

  1. Staff
  2. Visitors
  3. Others



Please do not reuse any previous Unique Identifiers as this may return a failed upload or link accounts!

Initial upload of staff, visitors, and others

  1. Open the MIS Sync program and log in
  2. Select one of the following:
    • Staff > Manage data
    • Visitors >Manage data
    • Other > Manage data
  3. Select Import. If this is your first upload, a message will be displayed reading Nothing to import. This is to ensure there are no records currently on the ParentPay system.

  4. Select the Manage tab.
  5. Enter the staff/visitor/other details. You will need to give each person a unique ID number, considering all archived accounts. We recommend using ID numbers in the format STF001, VIS001 etc. and incrementing appropriately so that you never reuse a code.
  6. A Group and Sub Group must be enterer for each record. We recommend using STAFF, VISITOR or OTHER for both fields appropriately.

    If you have a cashless catering system, you will need to ensure the staff ID numbers match those already allocated on the till. If these ID numbers do not match, the staff/visitor accounts will not be picked up by the cashless system and payment/balance information will not be transferred between ParentPay and the till.

    If you are unsure, ask your cashless provider to clarify if staff or visitor IDs need to be provided from the cashless till.
  7. Once all records have been entered into MIS Sync, select Save
  8. The upload tab will open. Ensure the Export to option is set to ParentPay Web Site, and select Export.
  9. The data upload will then process. If it is successful, a message reading Succeeded will be displayed.
  10. These records will have been sent directly to your ParentPay website and the details can be viewed in People > Pupils and Staff by changing the Group 1 drop down menu to Staff, Visitors or Other.
  11. Activation letters can then be created for the staff members or visitors added to the site.

Uploading Staff data using an Excel Template

For those schools with lots of staff or visitors to input into the ParentPay system, you can create an Excel file containing the details rather than inputting them manually.

The required headers are as follows.

Staff uploads:


Visitor and Other uploads:


The headers must be typed exactly as in these examples. If there are any differences, the data in the column will not be pulled through into MIS Sync.

You can download the template Excel spreadsheets below:

Staff Template

Visitor Template


The visitor template is used for both Visitor and Other uploads. The header should be VisitorID in both cases, they are just uploaded using a different part of MIS Sync.


Remember that if you use a cashless till system the Staff Identifier or VisitorID needs to match the ID provided by the cashless till system.

Once the Excel template has been populated with the required information, save the file to somewhere memorable on your computer, and close the document. The upload can then be completed.

  1. Open the MIS Sync program and log in.
  2. Select one of the following:
    • Staff > Manage data
    • Visitors > Manage data
    • Other > Manage data
  3. Ensure File is selected.
  4. Select the yellow folder to locate the file you created.
  5. Select Import.
  6. The data in the file will then be displayed in MIS Sync.
  7. Review the data displayed in MIS Sync, and select Save.
  8. The upload tab will open. Ensure the Export to option is set to ParentPay Web Site, and select Export.
  9. The data upload will then process. If it is successful, a message reading Succeeded will be displayed.
  10. These records will have been sent directly to your ParentPay website and the details can be viewed in People > Pupils and Staff by changing the Group 1 drop-down menu to the appropriate type.
  11. Activation letters can then be created for the staff members or visitors added to the site.

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