Create a club payment request

Video Showcase


Create a new payment request via the required club:

  • On the required club
  • Click on Create Payment Request (Bottom right corner)
  • Give your Payment Request a name
  • Select the required payment type


You will need to select one of the following payment types to ensure that the request links to the club:

  • Club Flex: flexible amount that can be paid more than once (If you have set your club as Pay Now>School Gateway settings a Clubs Flex payment type must be selected to force payment and secure a booking)
  • Club Fixed: fixed amount that can be paid more than once 
  • The visible from and to dates determine the date range that the invited School Gateway user will be able to see the payment request online
  • Select Require consent if you wish to gain parental consent (only parents with Parental Responsibility can see payment requests that require consent).
  • Select Require payer comment if you want to force the payer to leave a comment before they are able to process the payment
  • Enter the Due Date, with ongoing requests we recommend inputting the date the request is visible from
  • To select members, use the list on the left of the screen and highlight the member(s)/group(s) from the list and click Add; the selected members will be moved to the right hand box
  • When you are happy with the request select Save, or Cancel to return to the Payment Request screen
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