Amend an existing club booking

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Amend an existing club booking

There may be times where you need to amend a club booking for a student.

Amendments can either be made within school or by parents if you’ve chosen to enable cancellations and changes for them. If you haven’t enabled this option for parents and would like to do so, you can do this from the School Gateway Settings page of the club. Steps on how to do this are available below within ‘How to set what parents can see and do in School Gateway’.

To amend a booking within school, please follow the steps below:

  • In the clubs list select the club you wish to edit a student’s booking for and then click the Manage sessions button on the right-hand side
  • Select the session you wish to edit a booking for
  • Find the School Member you are looking for in the list
  • If you want to change the booking choice, click the pencil icon next to the booking choice
  • If you want to remove the school member from the session, click the dustbin icon next to the school member

If you need to edit more than one session for the same pupil, instead of going into each session to cancel the booking you are able to view all of the sessions and edit if required via Manage Members:

  • In the clubs list select the club you wish to edit a student’s booking for and then click the Manage Members button on the right-hand side
  • Search the pupils name
  • You will then see all of their bookings on the right hand side 
  • Select the session/s you wish to edit a booking for, if you want to change the booking choice, click the pencil icon next to the booking choice and amend as required
  • If you want to remove the school member from the session, click the dustbin icon next to the school member and repeat as required


By cancelling a booking for a child, the system then makes the session available for another child to book. Please monitor this closely, as if the club is an Enrichment club, you may have a child booked on to one session who isn’t booked into any of the others.


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