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Add & Publish a document
The Publish Menu lets you set up Documents, Messages, and URL links to web pages and publish them into single sites, multiple sites, or groups. When you publish a message from the Desktop to the Tablet a message status will show when it has been sent, delivered, and read.
- Documents must be pdf files up to a maximum 2MB in size
- Messages are like simple text messages
- URLs do not need to include ‘http://’ when created, they should be as follows:
To create a new Document, click the Add button [1].
Set the Category [2] to Document and give it a Title [3].
Set the Priority [4], this can be either High, Normal or Low. This follows the same priority indicator rules as Kitchen Manager, for example a High Priority document would be about Covid PPE Cleaning Protocol, a Normal Priority document would be a new recipe and a Low Priority document would be about replacing broom handles safely.
Set the Available from [5] and Available to [6] dates. When the Available to date has passed the Document will not be accessible on the tablets.
Set which Folder [7] the Document will be saved to; these are the folders in the Menu Tree [8].
Click the Choose File button [9] to upload the desired document.
NOTE Documents must be pdf files up to a maximum 2MB in size.
Use the Notes field [10] to add any useful comments or notes then click Upload [11].
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Add & publish a Message
To create a new Message, click the Add button [1].
Set the Category [2] to Message and give it a Title [3].
Set the Priority [4], this can be either High, Normal or Low. This follows the same priority indicator rules as Kitchen Manager, for example a High Priority document would be about Covid PPE Cleaning Protocol, a Normal Priority document would be a new recipe and a Low Priority document would be about replacing broom handles safely.
Set the Available from [5] and Available to [6] dates. When the Available to date has passed the Document will not be accessible.
Use the Notes field [7] to add any useful comments or notes then click Upload [8].
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Add & publish a URL
To create a new URL, click the Add button [1].
Set the Category [2] to URL and give it a Title [3].
Set the Priority [4], this can be either High, Normal or Low. This follows the same priority indicator rules as Kitchen Manager, for example a High Priority document would be about Covid PPE Cleaning Protocol, a Normal Priority document would be a new recipe and a Low Priority document would be about replacing broom handles safely.
Set the Available from [5] and Available to [6] dates. When the Available to date has passed the Document will not be accessible.
Use the URL field [7] to create the URL.
NOTE URLs do not need to include ‘http://’ when created, they should be as follows:
Click the Choose File [8] button to upload an image file in PNG format or JPEG and no bigger than 50kb, and click Upload [9].
NOTE The Image file is used as the Browser tab icon [10].
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Bulk Publishing
The Bulk publish option will be greyed out (unavailable) unless 2 or more Document/Message/URLs are selected using the Check boxes [1] or the Select all [2] check box. When you have selected the items to publish click the Bulk Publish button [3].
In the Publish window you can view the Publish by [4] options by Area or Site Type.
In both Publish by Types, use the Check boxes [5] to select specific Sites to publish to, or click the All Sites check box [6] to automatically select all the available Sites and click the Publish button [7].
After publishing the Published [8] column will have a number in to identify how many Sites the Document/Message/URL has been published to.
When a Document/Message/URL has already been published and you need to publish it to other Sites, repeat the Bulk Publish steps above and you will be able to identify which Areas/Sites have already been published to using the Sent/Delivered/Read icons [9].
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