How to set up Free School Meals Allowance

There is no priority between selection channels, instead, the Daily FSM Allowance is reduced based on the timing of the transactions (e.g. if a pre-order was made by a parent via ParentPay/Schoolcomms parent selection and then an Admin user marks a meal as taken on the Manager App, the Daily FSM Allowance will be used by the parent pre-order then the Manager App).

A Students Daily FSM Allowance can be utilised by any of the selected channels;

  • Manager App
  • ParentPay/Schoolcomms parent selection
  • Tablet
  • Whiteboard.

Meal Selection Users

All databases have the Daily FSM Allowance set to a default value of £3.00. School Administrators can set the site level config Daily FSM Allowance [1] which will override the database level default value.

Go to System > Sites [2] > select a Site > Meal Selection tab [3]

When you have set the new FSM default value click Save.


If the Site or Database level 'Daily FSM Allowance' is changed, UIFSM/FSM Students that have already taken a meal for that day will continue to use the previous 'Daily FSM Allowance' until the following day.

Meal Manager Users

  1. Navigate to Settings > Site Info.
  2. Click on the Basic Info Tab [1].
  3. Enter the required FSM Daily Allowance [2].
  4. Click Save [3].

Schoolcomms Web & Mobile App (SchoolGateway)

If a Student is UIFSM/FSM, the following message is displayed above Amount to pay: “Your daily FSM allowance is [students FSM allowance]. If you exceed this allowance on any given day, you will be required to pay the difference”.

ParentPay Web & Mobile view

If a Student is UIFSM/FSM, the following message is displayed above Amount to pay: “Your daily FSM allowance is [students FSM allowance]. If you exceed this allowance on any given day, you will be required to pay the difference”.

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