Tablet Meal Selection - Duty Meals tick box location

Eligible staff member meal choices can be marked as a duty meal using Meal Register.

  This article will teach you...

How to mark a staff meal as a duty meal.

Marking Duty Meal

Open Meal Register and select the relevant meal session.

Within the Meal Register class list there will be a Staff Section [1], select this to open a list of all staff members.



Please note the image above is a placeholder only, the staff section on your tablet may appear differently. For more information please contact your area manager.

Within the staff list, select the member of Staff [2] being served.


If required select a Main Menu Choice [3] and a Dessert [4].

Located in the very bottom left of the screen is a Duty Meal Toggle [5], turn this on to record this meal as a duty meal. 

Once selected, press Select [6] to finish the process.


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