Reporting User Manual (Meal Selection)

  Table of Contents
  1. What can I report on?
  2. Where does the data come from?
  3. How can I view the underlying data?
  4. How do I build reports?
  5. Single KPI reports
  6. Multiple KPI reports
  7. Trading Summary Reports
  8. Viewing, Downloading and Emailing a Report
  9. Settings

Reporting allows you to access and utilise the data collected in Kitchen Manager, Meal Selection, Meal Register and Payments. You can access data from any integrated external system.


What can I report on?

You can report on any Data Collection items and there are many KPIs available. We have a spreadsheet describing the KPIs in more detail. If you would like a copy please contact Cypad Support. You will not be able to report on items where the appropriate data is not being collected.

Time Periods

If you use 4/5 week periods rather than calendar months, you can apply periods retrospectively in System > Admin > Calendar > Periods.

Time periods can be used alongside calendar months so you analyse your figures by term.

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Where does the data come from?

Different data sources

Data may come from different sources for different schools depending on where the initial data was entered. If a school uses Meal Register, then meal numbers are taken from there. If a school does not use Meal Register the meal records are taken from the Data Collection App in Kitchen Manager. Staff hours are collected in the Staff App and food purchases from the Orders App, although sometimes Data Collection may be used to collect these instead.

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How can I view the underlying data?


To view and, if necessary, update the individual data records for a site go to Payments > Transactions.

What if the data looks wrong on the report?

If data looks wrong on your report, try following the data trail back for a single site to Payments and check for meals not being marked as taken or duplicate meals. In both cases check for data not being filled in or put in the wrong entry. If you still cannot prove an entry, then contact Cypad Support on 0117 942 9833 providing as much detail about the question as possible.

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How do I build reports?

All Admin-level users design reports. Alternatively, Cypad can provide a basic set based on an example you send to us. Reports are laid out in folders on the left-hand side of the screen. Only Admin staff can add reports.

There are 3 main types of Report:

NOTE: When you have selected the style for a report you cannot alter it.

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Single KPI reports

Use the Report Builder to build your Single KPI reports as follows:

Go to Reporting > Settings [1] > Report Builder [2]


Select the Destination folder [3] (e.g. Single KPI) for the report from the list and click the Add Report [4] button.


NOTE: You can change the destination folder using the Folder [5] drop-down.

Give the Report a Name [6] and Description [7] and set the Style [8] drop-down box select Single Item. 


In the Chart Type [9] drop-down box choose Line or Bar.

In the Chart colour [9] field select a colour from the colour picker.

In the Visible to [10] drop-down box select either Admin, Managers or All.

Click the Change button [11] to see the KPI Item Description list [12] and Item Description selection [13] boxes. Drag and drop the required KPIs into the Description selection box and click Back [14] when complete. The report is automatically saved to the relevant folder.


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Multiple KPI reports

Use the Report Builder to build your Multiple KPI reports as follows:

Go to Reporting > Settings [1] > Report Builder [2]


Select the Destination folder [3] (e.g. Multiple KPI) for the report from the list and click the Add Report [4] button.


NOTE: You can change the destination folder using the Folder [5] drop-down.

Give the Report a Name [6] and Description [7] and set the Style [8] drop-down box select Multiple Items. 


In the Chart colour [9] field select a colour from the colour picker.

In the Visible to [10] drop-down box select either Admin, Managers or All.

Click the Change button [11] to see the KPI Item Description list [12] and Item Description selection [13] boxes. Drag and drop the required KPIs into the Description selection box and click Back [14] when complete. The report is automatically saved to the relevant folder.


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Trading Summary Reports

You can set up a Weekly or Cumulative Trading Summary by doing the following:

Weekly Trading Summaries

Go to Settings > Report Builder > select a Destination Folder [1] > click Add Report [2]


NOTE: You can change the destination folder using the Folder drop-down [3].

Give the Report a Name [4] and Description [5].

In the Style [1] drop-down box select Trading Summary. A window will pop up prompting you to save before adding any fields, click OK.


In the Sub Style [2] drop-down box select Weekly.

In the Chart colour [4] drop-down select a colour, if required, to easily identify your report.

Set the Visible to [5] value to either Admin, Managers or All.

Click the Change [6] button to open the KPI selection list to select the KPIs to use in the Report.

Drag and drop the desired KPI items from the KPI Description list [6] to the KPI selected list [7] and click Back [8] to save the Report.


The Staff Meals Summary Report will be added to the Trading Summary folder, to group the KPIs click Staff Meals Summary Report [1] to add the Total [2]Group [3], Grand Total [4] and Item Description bars to the KPI selected list [5].


Items that are placed in the KPI selected list are automatically placed at the bottom of the list. For example, after dragging the Group bar into the KPI selected list, change the order of the item by clicking and holding the mouse button on the item to drag up or down the list as required.

The Total [2] bar will calculate the total for all KPI items placed before it in the list.

The Group [3] bar is an editable field that is used to identify groups of KPI data. To rename it, click on the Group bar in the KPI selected list, enter a new name (for example Weekly TS report [6]) and press Enter.

The Grand Total [4] bar will calculate all the Total bar's in the report and display the grand total.

Click Back [7] then on the Report page click Save [8].


TIP: If a KPI field or description bar does not populate the box correctly, click Back and then click Save. In the Explorer pane select the relevant Trading Summary report name and in the Edit Report box click Change.

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Cumulative Trading Summary

Use the Report Builder to start building your KPI report.

Go to Settings > Report Builder > select a Destination Folder [1] > click Add Report [2] 


NOTE: You can change the destination folder using the Folder [3] drop-down.

Give the Report a Name [4] and Description [5].

In the Style [1] drop-down box select Trading Summary. A window will pop up prompting you to save before adding any fields, click OK.


Set the Style [1] to Trading Summary and the Sub-Style [2] to Cumulative.

In the Chart colour [4] drop-down select a colour, if required, to easily identify your report.

Set the Visible to [5] value to either Admin, Managers or All.

Click the Change [6] button to open the KPI selection list to select the KPIs to use in the Report.

Drag and drop the desired KPI items from the KPI Description list [7] to the KPI selected list [8] and click Back [9] to save the new Report.

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Viewing, Downloading and Emailing a Report

Go to Reports > select a folder (e.g. Staff Trading Summary) > select a Report [1] > set the Period Range [2] > Set the Date Range [3] > click Go [4]


NOTE: The Period Range options are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annual and custom Period.

To download a copy of the Report click the Export [5] button to download an editable Excel file.

To see a graphical interpretation of a specific report row click anywhere in a Row [1].


You change the view of the chart from a Bar graph to a Line graph by clicking the Change view [2] button.

Click Email [3] to email a copy of the chart to multiple recipients.

Click Copy [4] to copy the on-screen chart to paste into a Microsoft Word document or equivalent as required.

Click Close [5] to close the chart and return to the Report screen.

When using the Email feature use a semicolon (;) to separate each email in the Email field [5] and include a Message [6] before clicking Send [7].


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Go to Reporting > Settings [1] > Settings button [2]


Use Settings to:

  • Select a 6 to 13 period report view
  • Show closed Sites
  • Compare sites
  • Select Results or General view

A column has been added to the General view [1] of a report to make it possible to view reporting data alongside the site contract. 


The new column is titled Contract [2] which displays the Contract name of each site.

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Reporting Date Ranges

Navigate to Reporting.

Report data can now be exported using Period Date Range [1] and selecting the Relevant Period [2] using the dropdown menu.

Reporting Date Period.png

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