Make a form available to a specific site type

When creating a Form you will need to assign it to a site type so all associated users can view the form.

  This article will teach you...

How to assign an available form to a specific site type.

Navigate to Kitchen Manager > Admin.

Select Site Type Forms [1] from the navigation tree.


A warning message will appear detailing that the removal of a site type from a form will prevent those users from creating a new form in the future. Please contact your area manager if you require these settings to be changed.

Locate the required site type using the Sites Types Column [2] and the Form name using the Form Name Column [3].

Click the Tickboxes [4] to make the form available to users within the chosen Site Type and select Save [5].



For more information on how to view the type of the different sites on your system please see System Admin - Site Types.

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