Design - Questions and Groups

  Table of Contents
  1. Adding a Questionnaire
  2. Editing, Copying & Deleting Questionnaires
  3. Adding a Group to a Questionnaire
  4. Adding Questions to a Question Group
  5. Required fields for each Type, with examples
  6. Details fields explained
  7. Question Group options
  8. Add a questionnaire to question group types

Adding a Questionnaire

Go to Design [1] > in the Navigation tree click on Questionnaires > click Add Questionnaire [2]


In the Add Questionnaire window give the Questionnaire a Name [3] and Description [4].

NOTE The character limit for the Description field is 100 characters.

Click the Choose File button [5] to upload a JPEG or PNG file to use as a Questionnaire Icon.

Click Save [6] when complete.

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Editing, Copying & Deleting Questionnaires

To Edit [1], Copy [2] or Delete [3] a questionnaire click on the questionnaire in the navigation tree.


Important:  Deleting a questionnaire that has been used in a Package will cause the package to loose all data recorded using the questionnaire! To avoid any loss of data it is advisable to Archive the Package, refer to Monitor - Packages & Questionnaires   

  1. Edit: amend fields in Questionnaire window
  2. Copy: when copying the Name field and Description field automatically adds the text ‘Copy of’
  3. Delete: a Delete popup message will appear on the screen advising that this action cannot be undone
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Adding a Group to a Questionnaire

Select your New Questionnaire [1] from the Navigation tree and click the Add Group [2] button to open the Add Group window.


In the Add Group window give the new group a Name [3] and Description [4].

NOTE The Description field has a 100-character limit.


Set the Validation dropdown [5] to either Answer all or Not required.

  • Answer all = All questions in the Group must be answered before the questionnaire can be submitted
  • Not required = Questions can be left unanswered and the questionnaire submitted.

Click Save [6] when done.

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Adding Questions to a Question Group

In existing Questionnaires if the Groups are collapsed click the Expand icon [1] to reveal the questions in the Group.


New questions can be added below any question you want by selecting an Existing question [2] and clicking Add Question [3]. If you click the Group Name [4] to add the new question it will be automatically added to the bottom of the questionnaire.

In new Questionnaires click the Group Name [5] and click Add Question [6].


In the Add Question Details window set the Type [7] before filling in the details.

Important:  If you set the Type to Yes/No the Question Critical [8] attribute must be set. 


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Required fields for each Type, with examples


The Text Type format is ideal for general questions.

  1. Short question – Employee Name?
  2. Full question – What is the full name of the employee?
  3. Maximum value – Text questions answer length is controlled by the maximum value


Number Type questions are useful for recording the passing of time, frequency, number of incidents or the number of persons involved.

  1. Short question – Number of days absent?
  2. Full question – How many days was the injured student absent from school?
  3. Minimum value – 1
  4. Maximum value - 9999999999

NOTE The Decimal places field is limited to 3 decimal places.


List Type questions uses the Attribute entries to generate a drop down list in the questionnaire.

  1. Short question – Use of Catering Service?
  2. Full question - How often do you use the Catering Service?
  3. Attributes: Use a semi-colon to separate each list item.
    • If the list question is not scored then the attribute field should be in the following format
      Very Good;Good;Needs Improvement
      NOTE: Weighting1 should be set to 0, If weighing 2 is used then set this to zero as well.
    • If the question is scored then the attribute field should be in the following format
      Very Good*10;Good*5;Needs Improvement*2

NOTE When adding an attribute each entry must have a semicolon (;) before adding another attribute and Weighting should be set to the maximum score in the attribute list which is 10 in this example.


Yes/No type questions are ideal if you are going to use follow-up question types such as Images.

  1. Critical drop-down box - set the relevant attribute for the question
  2. Short question – More special days?
  3. Full question – Would you lie to see more special days?
  4. Weighting - Individual scores for each question are added up and any weightings applied are considered
  5. Phrases Tab - The observation text field will only be used if this question is answered "Yes". You are required to provide your observations in relation to the question.

The Critical drop-down box attributes are only compulsory for Yes/No question Types and have the following options:

  • Normal – not critical, but if you fail this question it scores zero
  • Critical - assign this attribute if the question is critical to the function of your organisation. If you fail this question it scores zero, but the Question Group (and Question Sub-Group if there is one) remain unaffected. The inspection is highlighted on the desktop and the critical question is highlighted on the report.
  • Compulsory - assign this attribute if the question MUST be answered to sign-off the audit. If the question is not answered, the entire Question Group fails. If the question is in a Question Sub-Group, the sub-group fails, and its scores are set to zero.
  • Red Flag - assign this attribute if the question highlights a serious issue that must be addressed. If you fail this question, the Question Group fails. If it is in a Question Sub-Group, the sub-group is failed, and its scores are set to zero (the main Question Group is not affected).
  • At Risk - assign this attribute if the question relates to an issue that might put the organisation at risk of action from a  third party e.g. prosecution. If you fail this question the entire Questionnaire fails, and you must take immediate remedial action. You can choose to fail this question as a Red Flag or At Risk.

Desktop: The Question attributes are colour-coded on the Desktop to aid identification:

  • Normal: White
  • Critical: Pink
  • Compulsory: Grey
  • Red Flag: Red
  • At Risk: Purple


Date type questions are to be used when you need to record a date for incidents, events and investigations.

  1. Short question – Last training date?
  2. Full question – When was the last training date?

Image (Photo)

Image questions are typically used after a Yes/No question (e.g. Are the seals on the Fridge door in good condition?). When answering these questions on the Desktop you can upload JPG or PNG files.

TIP/HINT After taking the photo, preview the image before saving.

  1. Short question – Evidence of damage/wear & tear?
  2. Full question – Can you provide visual evidence of damage/wear & tear?


Marked type questions are shows as numerical dropdown lists in the questionnaire. Use the Weighting 1 field to set the maximum value in dropdown list.

  1. Short question – Kitchen – Floor sweeping?
  2. Full question – Example key: 4-Very good 3-Good 2-Acceptable 1-Poor 0-No cleaning evident
  3. Weighting – The maximum number of witnesses possible


If there is a fiscal cost incurred or due use the currency type.

  1. Short question – Cost to repair?
  2. Full question – How much will the repair cost?


Memo type questions are a good alternative for Text type questions where the answer field is larger for more detailed answers.

  1. Short question – Equipment Maintenance?
  2. Full question – Detail frequency of Equipment Maintenance


In the event of an incident/investigation where an Excel or Word Form is required use the Form type so users can upload a copy of the completed file.

  1. Short question – Are there any supporting document?
  2. Full question – Are there any supporting documents?

Timer (Tablet ONLY)

The Timer type questions are used to time how long it takes to serve people in a queue.

  1. Time Count – Set up to 8 timers that can be run
  2. Short question – Service time?
  3. Full question – How many customers can be served in 3min?


Header questions are divider questions in the questionnaire which can impact the whole sub group (DCSG Header)

  1. Critical check-box (DCSG Header ONLY) - Assign this attribute if the question is critical to the investigation. If this question is unanswered it scores zero, but the Question Group (and Question Sub-Group if there is one) remain unaffected. The investigation is highlighted on the desktop and the critical question is highlighted on the report.
  2. Short question – Food Safety Guidelines
  3. Full question – Food Safety Guidelines for the Investigation – See Criteria
  4. Weighting - Individual scores for each question are added up and take in to account any weightings applied.
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Details fields explained


1. Question ID

The ID Field is an optional field to give a unique identifier to each question in a questionnaire, the ID’s can be alpha-numeric (i.e. A001aa) and contain up to six characters.

2. Short & Full Question

The Short question is for a quick reference and the Full question is the question that will be displayed in the questionnaire.

3. Minimum & Maximum Values

The Minimum and Maximum values are for setting numerical values for when the Number or Currency Types have been selected. The Minimum value can be set no lower than 0 and the Maximum vale can be set no higher than 365.

4. Attributes

The Attributes field is only active when the List Type is selected. When adding an attribute each entry must have a semicolon (;) before adding another attribute. 

5. Criteria

The Criteria field is active for all Types. When adding criteria to a question use it to outline eligibility criteria e.g. If you fail to answer this question the questionnaire will not be eligible for submission.

6. Photo (Icon)

Use to show a visual example of what an item or situation should look like.

7. Weighting

Individual scores for each question are added up and any weightings applied are considered.

You can apply two weightings to a question:

  • Weighting 1 - a weighting used in the calculation of a score for a particular inspection. The default value is 1, enter zero if you don’t want the question to count towards the score
  • Weighting 2 - where you are comparing scores with an external organisation enter their alternative weighting here.

NOTE The maximum weighting value of the attributes should be the same as the Weighting 1 field (i.e. Weighting field = 2, the maximum value that can be assigned to an attribute is 2).

For List Type questions, weightings can be added to the different attributes and the maximum value of the attributes should be the value entered in Weighting 1. In the Attributes field, after each attribute in the list enter * and the weighting value e.g. Very Quickly*4; Quickly*3; Average*2; Slowly*1. In Weighting 1 the value entered would be 4.

Phrases tab

The Yes/No and File Types activate the Phrases tab [1]. The Observation text field [2] will only be used if the question is answered Yes [3]. You are required to provide your observations in relation to the question.


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Question Group options

After creating one group and set of questions there are further options available for the questionnaire. When adding a new Group select an Existing Group [1] and select Add Group [2] for it to be generated below that Group.


2. Add Group

After clicking Add Group give your Group a Name [1].

NOTE The Name field has a 90-character limit.


Use the Description filed [2] to detail the group i.e. What time of day and where did the student get injured?

NOTE The Description field has a 100 Character Limit.

Set the Validation type [3] to either Not Required which means it is not compulsory to answer all questions in the group or Answer All It is compulsory to answer all questions in the group.

Click Save [4] to create the new Group.

3. Edit Group

After clicking Edit Group you can amend all the fields in the Group window.

4. Copy Group

After clicking Copy Group the Name entry will automatically have ‘Copy of…’ added to the original name, you can edit the group Name [1] or leave it.

NOTE The Name field has a 90 character limit.


You can edit the Description filed [2] and the Validation type [3] to either Not Required which means it is not compulsory to answer all questions in the group or Answer All It is compulsory to answer all questions in the group.

Click Save [4] to save the changes.

5. Delete Group

WARNING: Deleting a Group that has been used in a Package will cause the package to loose all data recorded using the questions in the group! To avoid any loss of data it is advisable to Archive the Package, refer to Monitor - Packages & Questionnaires.   

After clicking Delete Group option a Delete group pop-up alert will open to confirm if you want to delete the group. Click OK [1] to confirm the deletion.


After clicking OK, a second Delete group pop-up will ask if you wish to Leave the selected group intact, this is a preventative measure to confirm you haven’t accidently clicked the wrong button before deleting a group. To complete the Delete function click No [2].


6. Move Questions Up/Down

After adding questions to a Question Group each question you add is automatically placed at the top of the Question list. Select the Question [1] and click the Move Up [2] to move it up the list or Move Down [3] to move it down the list.


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Add a questionnaire to question site types

When your questionnaire is complete it must be assigned to the relevant site types.

Go to Admin > select a Questionnaire [1] > Warning msg click OK > Questionnaire Group table [2] select the Site Type checkboxes


Click Save [3] when the Site Types have been assigned.

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