Introduction to Centralised Menu Management

  Table of Contents
  1. What is Centralised Menu Management?
  2. How do I enable Centralised Menu Management?
  3. How is it different from the current Menu Management Solution?
  4. What happens to existing Menus created in the current Menu Management System?

What is Centralised Menu Management?

Centralised Menu Management is an additional feature available with all Meal Selection licences. The feature makes it possible for Caterers to create and manage bespoke menus for multiple sites all in one place without the need for paperwork. Global menus are created by the Caterer before being assigned to multiple sites, each site submits their menu choices and the Caterer provides the final approval.

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How do I enable Centralised Menu Management?

This feature can only be enabled by Cypad Support. This is because it alters the existing menu management functionality and therefore requires training before being enabled. If you would like to enable this feature, please contact our support team via Email: or Phone: 0117 942 7882.

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How is it different from the current Menu Management Solution?

In the current Menu Management System Admin users create Menus, assign the Menus to a Template, then assign the Template to a Site or Student.


The Centralised Menu Management System sits on top of the existing Menu Management System. Admin users create Master Menus, assign the Master Menus to a Master Template, then assign the Master Template to multiple Sites or Students. Once the Master Template is assigned, each Site will be able to make changes to the Menu and submit their choices for approval. After approval by the Caterer a bespoke Menu will be created for that Site/Student. This allows the Caterer to create multiple bespoke Site/Student Menus, all from the same Master Menu.


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What happens to existing Menus created in the current Menu Management System?

Site Menus

When a Master Template is associated with a Site that already has an existing Template, any Menus on the Template will be copied to the new Site-specific Template created as part of the Centralised Menu Management process. These Site ‘Legacy’ Menus can be viewed/edited in the Legacy section of the Approvals page (see section: Approvals Page > Legacy Menus for more details).

NOTE 1: Site Legacy Menus will always take priority over Menus created by the Centralised Menu Management process. For example, if a Legacy Menu is assigned to week 1 on a Site’s Template and a Master Menu is also assigned to week 1 on the Master Template, the Legacy Menu will remain assigned to week 1 when the new Site-specific Template is created as part of the Centralised Menu Management process.

NOTE 2: Site Legacy Menus will remain associated to the Site even if the Master Template is unassigned from the Site or swapped for a different Master Template.

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Student Menus

When a Master Student Template is associated with a Student that already has an existing Student Template, any Menus on the Student Template will be copied to the new Student-specific Template created as part of the Centralised Menu Management process. These Student ‘Legacy’ Menus can be viewed/edited in the Legacy section of the Approvals page (see section: Approvals Page > Legacy Menus for more details).

NOTE 1: Student Legacy Menus will always take priority over Student Menus created by the Centralised Menu Management process. However, Student Menus created by the Centralised Menu Management process will take priority over Site Legacy Menus.

NOTE 2: Student Legacy Menus will only be copied the first time the Master Student Template is assigned to a Student – i.e. the Student Legacy Menus will not remain associated to the Student if the Master Student Template is unassigned from the Student or swapped for a different Master Student Template.

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Theme Day Menus

When Centralised Menu Management is enabled, any Theme Day associated to a Site will remain. These Theme Day ‘Legacy’ Menus can be viewed/edited in the Legacy section of the Approvals page (see section: Approvals Page > Legacy Menus for more details).

Legacy Theme Day Menus can be Unassigned from a Site [1] by navigating to: Menus > Sites > select Site; but they cannot be Reassigned to a Site [2].


NOTE: Only Master Theme Days will appear in this list, Master Theme Days will take priority over Legacy Site Menus and Site Menus created by the Centralised Menu Management process, but not Legacy Student Menus or Student Menus created by the Centralised Menu Management process.

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