How to generate a menu report

Knowing your most popular menu items can help you make more informed decisions when creating a new weekly menu and ultimately saving costs and reducing waste. Also understanding how many pre-orders were deleted can help further understand what is happening with orders.

  This article will teach you...

How to generate menu reports.

Generating Reports

Navigate to Menu > Analysis.

Menus Analysis provides Two Report Types [1]

  • Popular meals will show choices being made by students and staff.
  • Deleted pre-orders will show any pre-orders that have been removed.

Set the Date [2] and set any further filters [3] as necessary

The filter option allows you to filter menu types such as Main, Vegetable, Dessert, Drink or Other

Popular meal choices

Popular meals report will generate a Popular Meals Table [1] 

The report can also be Exported [2] as an Excel spreadsheet.

Deleted meal pre-orders

Deleted Pre-orders Report [1] shows the sites and students whose pre-orders have been deleted. 

The Report can also be Exported [2] as an Excel spreadsheet.

Below are the reasons why a pre-order may have been deleted:

Admin Menu change

Pre-orders made by students and parents are deleted if an administrator makes any menu changes to the Menu's Items, Menus, or Templates.

Menu assigned to a student

Pre-orders are deleted when a new menu template is applied to a student to meet their allergy or dietary requirements. All pre-orders are deleted and recorded in the report. Refer to, Students - Special Menu templates for allergy and non-allergy students.

Mass removal by Teacher

If configured, teachers can delete an entire class's meal selections. This helps to prevent the kitchen/caterers from making meals for students who will not be in school for the day. Refer to, Mass removal of student pre-selections.

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