Introducing the Cypad Reporting Dashboard
We have introduced the Cypad Reporting Dashboard so you can access and utilise the data collected in Kitchen Manager, Meal Selection, Meal Register and Payments. You can access data from any integrated external systems.
How do I get to the Dashboard?
You can view the Cypad Desktop from any PC, laptop, Android tablet or iPad with a web connection by logging in to
The Dashboard button is at the far right of the module list bar. Click on the Cypad logo in the top-left of the screen to move between modules:
Time Periods
If you use 4/5 week periods rather than calendar months, you can set these up in Monitor/Admin/Periods. They can be used alongside calendar months so you analyse your figures by term. You can apply periods retrospectively.
What can I report on?
You can report on any Data Collection items and there are many KPIs available. We have a spreadsheet describing the KPIs in more detail. If you would like a copy please contact Cypad Support. You will not be able to report on items where the appropriate data is not being collected.
Where does the data come from?
Different data sources
Data may come from different sources for different schools depending on where the initial data was entered. If a school uses Meal Register then meal numbers are taken from there. If a school does not use Meal Register the meal records are taken from the Data Collection App in Kitchen Manager. Staff hours are collected in the Staff App and food purchases from the Orders App, although sometimes Data Collection may be used to collect these instead.
How can I view the underlying data?
Data Reader
To view a daily summary of the information collected, as used to populate the reports go to Uptake/Reader.
Uptake (for Data Collection)
To view and, if necessary, update the individual Data Collection records for a site go to Uptake/Data.
What if the data looks wrong on the report?
If data looks wrong on your report try following the data trail back for a single site to either the daily summations in the Data Reader or to the raw data in Data Collection. In both cases check for data not being filled in or put in the wrong entry. If you still cannot prove an entry then contact Cypad Support on 0117 942 9833 providing as much detail about the question as possible.
How do I build reports?
All Admin-level users design reports. Alternatively, Cypad can provide a basic set based on an example you send to us. Reports are laid out in folders on the left-hand side of the screen. Only Admin staff can add reports.
There are 3 main report types:
- Single KPI Item – shows a single KPI over time
- Multiple KPI Items - shows a series of KPIs for a given period
- Trading Summary - choose between Weekly or Cumulative (year-to-date)
NOTE: When you have selected the style you cannot alter it.
How to build a single KPI report
- Click Dashboard. On the bottom left of the screen you will see these icons:
- Use Report Builder to build your reports
- Use Settings to choose a 6 or 13 period report view
- Click Report Builder
- In the Explorer pane click on the relevant folder (for example choose Single KPI or Multiple KPI):
- On the top right click Add Report – the Add New Report box is shown:
- In Name type a unique name for the KPI report
- In Description type a brief description of the report
- In the Style drop-down box select Single Item
- In the Chart Type drop-down box choose Line or Bar
Click Change – you will see the KPI item description box:
- Drag an item description bar across to the right-hand box (in this example it is Trading Days)
- Click Back
- Click Save – the report is saved to the relevant folder in the Explorer pane
How to build a multiple KPI report
- To build a multiple KPI report follow steps 1 – 6 above.
- In the Style drop-down box select Multiple Items then click Change.
- Drag the relevant item description bars to the right-hand box.
- Click Back
- Click Save – the report is saved to the relevant folder in the Explorer pane
How do I view a report?
- From the drop-down menus choose the relevant folder, Trading Summary, time period and date range:
- Click Go to generate the report
- Click Export to export to Excel
How do I build a Trading Summary?
You can set up a weekly or cumulative Trading Summary:
How to set up a Weekly Trading Summary
To set up a weekly Trading Summary:
- Click Report Builder
- In the Explorer pane click the relevant folder (for example, Single KPI)
- At the top right of the screen click Add Report – the Add New Report box is shown:
- In Name type a unique name for the Trading Summary
- In Description write a brief description of the trading summary
- In the Style drop-down box select Trading Summary
- In the Sub Style drop-down box select Weekly
- A window appears prompting you to save before adding any fields. Click OK
- Click Save
- In the Explorer pane click on the relevant Trading Summary title – the Edit Report box is shown
- Click Change – the KPI list box is shown:
- Drag the Group bar into the Description box – to rename it click on Group and enter a new name (for example ‘Weekly TS report’)
- To save press Enter
- Drag the required KPI item description bars into the Description box (to change the order of items drag up or down as required)
- Drag the Total bar into the Description box
- You can create a second grouping in the Description box by adding items below the current list.
- Drag the Grand Total bar into the Description box
- Click Grand Total to show the ‘grand totals’ box
- Drag the Total bars into the grand totals box (click the +/- to adjust)
- Click Back
- Click Save
TIP: If a KPI field or description bar does not populate the box correctly click Back and then click Save. In the Explorer pane select the relevant Trading Summary name and in the Edit Report box click Change.
- In the Explorer pane click Reporting
- From the drop-down menu choose the relevant weekly Trading Summary
- Select time period and date range from the drop-down menus
- Click Go
- Click Export to export the Trading Summary to Excel.
Cumulative Trading Summary
- To set up a cumulative Trading Summary follow steps 1 – 5 in the Weekly Trading Summary above then:
- In the Sub Style drop-down box select Cumulative
- Follow steps 7 – 20 in the Weekly Trading Summary above
- From the drop-down menus choose the relevant folder, Trading Summary, time period and date range
- Click Go to generate the report
- Click Export to export the Trading Summary to Excel.
Weekly and Cumulative Trading Summaries
Weekly Trading Summary report:
Cumulative Trading Summary report:
To see a graphical interpretation of the report click anywhere in a row (you can email the chart and change the view from bar graph to line graph):