- Making admin faster, more effective, and paperless
- Rapid, accurate stocktaking at a time to suit you
- Two-way communication for improved service delivery
- Easy-to-use tablet
- Greater management visibility of kitchen operations
- An app for every task
- Who uses Kitchen Manager?
- Your typical routine on the desktop
- Launch the application and log in
- Choose a Main Menu item
- Other Modules on the Desktop
- Navigate using the Explorer Pane
- Search the Main Grid
- Sorting
- Setting up Cypad Kitchen Manager
- Stock View
- What the column headers mean
- Click a stock item
- Export
- (Stock) Template View
- Add a Stock Template
- Select/deselect stock item
- Add stock item
- Edit stock item
- Discontinue stock item
- Delete stock item
- What the column headers mean
- Select the form drop-down menu
- Export the form
- Orders Menu
- Export
- Report
- How the ordering process works
- Creating an order on the tablet
- How to process an order
- Managing Favourites
- Ordering Questions and Answers
Analysis Menu
Invoices Menu
Design Menu
- Edit Form window – what the headers mean
- Set up a form
- Set up a question
- What the headers mean
- What the question types mean
- Summary
- Admin Menu - Stock Items
- The Edit Stock Item window
- Admin Menu – APLs
- Background
- Building a new APL
- Managing APLs on the Desktop
- The effect of APLs on the tablet
- Admin Menu – Configure
- Kitchen Manager
- Dashboard
- Other Points
- Choose which apps can be seen
- Showing Video Files on the Tablet
Cypad Kitchen Manager
Cypad Kitchen Manager is an efficient, cost-effective, paperless administration system that can transform the management of the school catering process. This manual gives you an overview of the administrative tasks that can be carried out on Kitchen Manager, from meal selection, production and consumption through to payment and analysis. School administrators and head teachers can also use Kitchen Manager to share insights into the running of the kitchen, promoting a consistent, efficient and beneficial service to clients.
Making admin faster, more effective, and paperless
Cypad Kitchen Manager is designed to save caterers time, space and money. Paper-based admin tasks are replaced by a simple to use tablet – the user enters data which can be made visible immediately to managers. Unit managers are prompted automatically when tasks are due, reassuring them and the area manager that the task will be completed. With no paperwork to file and return from the kitchen, delays are minimised, and data used more efficiently. Problems can be identified and resolved quickly, giving cooks and central admin staff the time to produce the best meals and maximise the profitability of the unit.
Rapid, accurate stocktaking at a time to suit you
Kitchen Manager puts you in control, letting you set up and manage a stock list centrally. Previous stock lists and prices are held on the system, enabling you to carry out a stocktake faster and at a time to suit your workload. You control the items available in production kitchens and dining centres. You can also create orders and match deliveries against them.
Two-way communication for improved service delivery
Kitchen Manager promotes two-way communication between administrators and catering staff, encouraging greater involvement and commitment to delivering a great service. You can collect information from the kitchen, and also send messages, documents and updated stock lists to kitchens whenever you want. This saves printing costs, making it quicker and cheaper to provide updates.
Easy-to-use tablet
The tablet is straightforward to use – it’s large enough to view and work with documents and light enough for use in the kitchen for tasks such as stocktaking. As the service is web-based - 3G or the school’s Wi-Fi can be used - there is no fixed installation, so costs are kept down. And, if the tablet fails, Cypad offer a 24 hour replacement service. The same device can be shared for use with the Cypad Meal Register and Cash Collection modules.
Greater management visibility of kitchen operations
Kitchen Manager provides management with a detailed overview of the operational and commercial aspects of running the kitchen. Data entered can be analysed on a kitchen-by-kitchen, area, or contract basis to give immediate results. Forms completed and signed-off in a kitchen are held permanently in the central database and can be retrieved at any time, as can stocktakes and orders. You can also view meal numbers, staff hours, absence hours, uptake percentages and productivity indicators such as labour cost/meal, ingredient cost/meal, and meals/hour.
An app for every task
Every task carried out on the tablet has its own app. You control which forms are used, which documents are published, and how stock lists are managed:
Who uses Kitchen Manager?
This table shows who uses Kitchen Manager and their level of access:
How to use the Desktop
This section shows you how to navigate the menus and dialogs of the Cypad Kitchen Manager Desktop.
Your typical routine on the desktop
As a user you will normally follow these steps:
- Launch the application and login
- Choose a Main Menu item
- Select the data you want from the Explorer pane
- Search for an item
- Select an item, choose a toolbar item or enter data
- Click an item to open a window to enter details
- Review or edit the information and save it
- Analyse results
- Produce printed reports
- Export results to Excel when needed
Launch the application and log in
- Launch your web browser
- Enter the application address. Cypad will tell you what address to use
- Enter your Username and Password
- Choose a Main Menu item such as Stock or Forms
Choose a Main Menu item
These are the menu items you will normally see on the Cypad Kitchen Manager Desktop. These items differ depending on the module and your user-access level:
To move through the Cypad modules click the Cypad logo.
Navigate using the Explorer Pane
When you choose a Main Menu item the Explorer pane and the Main Grid are filled with the appropriate information.
Search the Main Grid
Where there is more than one page on the Main Grid enter name in search box and click magnifying glass (if available)
TIP: To remove the filter delete the entry and click the magnifying glass
- Click on page number at the bottom of the screen
Setting up Cypad Kitchen Manager
These are the typical tasks you need to look at to ensure that you make the most of Cypad Kitchen Manager and that it runs as smoothly as possible:
Assign Management champion (PRIORITY) |
Assign Operational manager champion(s) (PRIORITY) |
Assign Trainers (PRIORITY) |
Assign System administrator (PRIORITY) |
Assign 1st line support (PRIORITY) |
Able to use Wi-Fi partially/fully? |
Choose tablet, Cypad managed or who will procure |
Data protection (staff details, pupils’ names) |
Collate site list with addresses, contacts and school roll figures (including UIFSM) |
Collect cooks’ details - name, position, site |
Collect existing forms and review (or use Cypad forms) |
Collect documents and newsletters |
Stock (Category, ID, Disc, Units, Unit price, Supplier) |
Decide data collection questions |
Staff training record questions |
Agree emailing mechanism and addresses |
Review links to external systems |
Obtain period dates |
Initial meeting |
Train the trainers |
Train cooks - dates, locations |
Setup management review call dates |
Decide review meeting date(s) |
Sites |
Forms: setup and assign to sites |
Documents: setup and publish |
Cook list: setup and assign to sites |
Staff training record questions |
Email addresses |
Stock list |
Stock templates |
Assign stock templates to sites |
Uptake/data collection questions |
Enter/check period dates in the system |
Food and fridge temperatures |
Deliveries |
Daily checks |
Cleaning schedule |
Supplier complaint |
Absence application/Holiday request/Unpaid leave |
Absence self-certification |
Return-to-work meeting |
Injury Report/Accident record |
Site visitors |
Health and Safety Audit |
Probe calibration |
Menus |
Recipes |
Induction handbook |
Staff handbook |
Kitchen Manual |
Annual calendar - holidays, month end, stocktake, etc. |
Sample newsletters |
Contacts list/useful phone numbers |
Stock items - production kitchens |
Stock items - satellite kitchens |
Kitchen equipment |
Cleaning equipment |
Stationery |
There are two main views available from the Stock Menu:
- Stock View – for viewing the latest stocktake at each site
- Template View – for setting up which stock items in the stock list will be used in each template
Stock View
Select a site from the Explorer Pane
- Expand the stock item - the current synchronised stocktake is shown
What the column headers mean
- Code: Each stock item must have an individual Code/ID
- Stock Item: Description of the stock item (up to 30 characters)
- Pack Contents: e.g. 6x850g – there are 6 units in a pack, each weighing 850 grams
- Quantity: The quantity held on stock at the last stocktake
- Price: The price for a full pack or kg if the item is priced in kg
- Priced By: The choices are Pack or kg. Item priced by pack can only be purchased in whole packs. Split packs have to be set up as separate items
- Units/Pack: Packs are made up of a number of units, these are shown here. When doing a stocktake you can choose if part packs are described as a percentage of a full pack or as units
- Supplier: The supplier of the goods
- Total Value: Total value of this row
- Quantity on order: The quantity of this item on order (if applicable)
Click a stock item
To view a stock item click anywhere on the stock row (you cannot edit the item from here)
Export the stock list to Excel.
(Stock) Template View
- Go to Cypad Kitchen
- Click Admin
- In the Explorer Pane click Stock Templates
- Click Add
- In Stock Template window enter template name and click Save
Select/deselect stock item
- Go to Cypad Kitchen
- Click Stock
- Click Template
- In the Explorer pane select template
- In the Main Grid select item or click + to expand the item list
- Check/uncheck the box in the Selected column
- Click Save
TIP: To expand the item list click the + button to the left of the Code column
Add stock item
- Go to Cypad Kitchen
- Click Admin
- In the Explorer Pane select Stock Items
- Click Add Stock Item
- In the Add Stock Item window enter item details
- Click Save & New
Edit stock item
- Go to Cypad Kitchen
- Click Admin
- In the Explorer Pane select Stock Items
- In the Main Grid select item or click + to expand the item list
- Click item
- In the Edit Stock item window enter in the required information
- Click Save
Discontinue stock item
- Go to Cypad Kitchen
- Click Admin
- In the Explorer Pane select Stock Items
- Click on selected stock item
- In the Edit Stock item window check the Discontinued box
- Click Save
Delete stock item
To delete a stock item contact Cypad Support on 0117 942 9833 or email support@cypad.com and raise a ticket to request a deletion.
- If you want to include most items click Select All and remove the ones you don’t need. If you just want a few items click Unselect all and add the ones you require.
- Clicking Select all or Unselect all can take a while if you have a lot of items
- You can search by text and filter by supplier, with a final filter to show only the selected stock items
- You need to associate a template with each site. To do this:
- Go to Cypad Monitor
- Click Sites
- Select site
- In the Edit Site window go to the Uptake tab
- From the Stock Template drop-down box select template
- Click Save
Forms Menu
- In the Explorer Pane select site, area or the whole list
- Filter the list using the Status, Form or text filters
NOTE: Forms that meet the filter criteria are shown with a count.
What the column headers mean
- Site ID: Site identification number
- Site: Site name
- Form: The Form Type
- Form Header: Either the first compulsory field in the form (such as a person’s name) or if none, the Form Type
- Status: In Progress, Action Required or Closed
- Last Modified: Date form was last modified
- Emailed to: Recipient email
- Emailed date: Date email sent
Select the form drop-down menu
When you select a form a drop-down menu gives you four options:
- Open Report: A PDF showing the contents of the form is displayed which you can email to the HR department or sent where necessary
- Open Report (All Questions) A PDF showing the contents of the form including all with all questions will be displayed, this can then be emailed to the HR department or sent where necessary
- Close Form(s): Close one or more forms
- Delete Form(s): Delete one or more forms
Export the form
Click Export to export the form list to Excel.
Orders Menu
The Orders menu shows a list of orders for the selected site. The Desktop display varies with each contract and site, but the illustration below is typical.
NOTE: There is no ‘add order’ function on the Desktop as orders are always added on the tablet.
Order confirmation is automatically generated.
Every order is given a unique 16 character identification comprised of a Site ID and Order ID, although you can simply select it from a list.
To place an order tap the Order app on your tablet. You will see a list of current and previous orders, with the newest order at the top. Each order is shown with the supplier, status, ID and the date and time it was created.
How the ordering process works
The order status changes as you progress through it:
Creating an order on the tablet
- Click the Order App
- Click New Order or Order from Favourite
- If you click New Order you are asked to choose a Supplier
- If you click Order from Favourite a list of Favourites is shown. Select one of them and tap Ok
- Now add or revise items on the list
- To save an order at any time press the back button - you can come back to it later
- When you have completed your order tap Submit Order
How to process an order
- The way you process an order depends on the supplier. If you use 3663 or NCB you should receive a confirmation. The items on this confirmation may not exactly match the original order due to substitutions and items out of stock. Substitutions should be at the same cost and of equal - or better - quality
- When you tap on an order you can view each of the ordering steps. Tap Delivery when the delivery is made. Items that don’t match the original order are shown in red
- Tap the Ordered column if the delivery matches the order.
- Tap the Delivery column if the quantity differs. Matches are shown in green, non-matches in blue
- To describe faulty items tap the item description and enter a short note
- When the delivery check has been completed tap Menu options and choose Sign Off. You will see the Sign Off screen which requires two signatures, yours and the suppliers. When you complete this the Order is shown as Delivered in the order list. When you next sync, the order is shown as Closed.
Managing Favourites
To save time when making an order you can create a ‘favourite’ order to use as often as you like. For example, you could have one favourite for the main items for each of the 3 menu weeks, and another favourite for vegetables or cleaning items.
To save a new order as a favourite:
- In Orders by Created date select supplier
- Tap Order
- Tap Menu items and select Save as Favourite
To save an existing order as a favourite:
- In Orders by Created date select Order from Favourite
- Select favourite and click OK
- Tap Menu items and select Save as Favourite
Ordering Questions and Answers
Status Menu
The Status menu summarises activity at each site:
- Last Sync
- Last stocktake date
- Number of forms that need an action taken
NOTE: You should aim to synchronise a device at least once a day
What the status column headers mean
- Site ID: The site identification number
- Site: The site name
- Last sync: The last date the site was synchronised.
- Last stocktake: The last date a stocktake was signed off and synchronised
- Value (£): The value of the last stocktake
- In Progress 1 week: The number of forms in progress on the system associated with the site
- Action Required: The number of forms with status Action required at the site
- Closed <3></3> The number of closed forms on the system associated with the site
Click Export to export the status summary to Excel
Analysis Menu
The Analysis Menu lets you create one or more reports compiling data from the kitchens.
Invoices Menu
The Invoices Menu lets you generate invoices or view closed/in progress invoices.
Design Menu
Edit Form window – what the headers mean
- Name: The site name
- Description: Notes about the form (not shown on the grid)
- Type: Form type options, Standard, Fridge Temp, Auto-Summarise, and Menu Questionnaire
- Frequency: The frequency with which a form reappears on a unit manager’s task list: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, As Required
- Sign-off Option: Number of signatures required when form is signed off: No signature, 1 signature, 2 signatures. For example, collecting daily fridge temperatures may not need signing off, but a return to work form probably needs two - the manager and the staff member
- Style: Does further action need to be taken when the form is signed off? No Action, Action Required, Send Email, Email to Manager. For example, no further action is needed when fridge temperatures have been collected, but a holiday request requires further action
- No. of weeks on tablet: How many weeks should the form be kept on the tablet? For example, fridge temperatures need to be kept on the device for at least 52 weeks in case the EHO asks to see them
- Folder: Select the folder the Form Type should be put into
Set up a form
To set up a form:
- In Cypad Kitchen click Design
- In the Explorer pane select the Forms icon
- Click Add Form
- In Add Form window enter details and click Save – your form appears in the Explorer pane forms list
Set up a question
To set up a question you must first create a Question Group:
- Go to Cypad Kitchen
- Click Design
- In the Explorer pane select your form
- Click Add Group
- In the Details window enter group name and description, then click Save
- Click on group name
- In the drop-down menu select Add Question
- In the Details window enter question details, then click Save
What the headers mean
- Question Type: Text, Number, List, Yes/No, Date, Image, Marked, Currency, Memo, Temperature, File, Timer, Header
- Critical: Not used in this environment
- Short Question: Short form question for display on smaller devices
- Full Question: The question normally seen by the user
- Minimum value: Meaning varies according to question type
- Maximum value: Meaning varies according to question type. If zero is entered for text questions you can’t make an entry but instructions will be shown
- Attributes: Only shown for Lists. Separate the list items with semi colons
- Instructions: Instructions on how to answer the question
- Image: Not used in this environment
- Weighting: Not used in this environment
- Compulsory: When you a complete a form the answer to the first question marked as Compulsory is shown as the Form Name when reviewing forms on the Desktop. If there are no compulsory questions the Form Name will simply be the Form Type
What the question types mean
- Text: A text entry, limited to a fixed number of characters
- Number: A numeric entry with minimum and maximum values
- List: A drop-down box with a fixed list of responses
- Yes/No: A simple choice – Yes, No or Not Applicable
- Date: Date entry
- Image: Not used in this environment
- Marked: Not used in this environment
- Currency: Not used in this environment
- Memo: Longer text entries
- Temperature: For recording fridge and freezer temperatures. Displays the date and time when the recording was made
- File: Not used in this environment
- Timer: Not used in this environment
- Header: Used to separate questions within a question group
Publish Menu
The Publish Menu lets you set up and publish documents, messages and URL links to web pages. Messages and documents are loaded into Kitchen Manager and you can then publish them to single or multiple sites, or groups
- Documents are pdf files up to 1MB in size (to ensure acceptable sync times). They can be viewed on the tablet in folders - see the Admin Menu on where you can set these up
- Messages are like simple text messages
- URLs can be any website address and are accessed through the web app on the tablet. Test these links on the tablet to make sure it can open the website
Document Summary
Add and publish a document or message
To add a document:
- Click Add
- In the Add Document box enter document details
- Browse for file and upload
- Click Save
- When you select a Message or Document you can’t change your choice
- In Availability select a start and end date for document to be available
- To view or edit a document click File
- Fill in the details and click Publish
- Choose the sites to publish it to and click Publish
- You can see if the document has been downloaded and/or viewed by any site
Admin Menu
You will carry out much of the setting up using the Admin Menu. In the Admin Explorer pane you can select from these items:
Stock Items: The complete list of all stock items. See below for more information
Stock Templates: Stock items are composed into one or more Stock Templates. For example, one template for production kitchens and one for dining centres. This is where you create the template names. You maintain the stock templates using the Stock Menu
Stock Changes: A list that can be filtered with changes to the stock list describing the change and who made it
APLs: Approved Product Lists provide a mechanism for preparing stock lists before they go live. See below for more information
Periods: Create stock reports for specific periods
Close Periods: Used for protecting reporting data. When you close a period no record can be changed before the last closed period
Apps for Module: Choose which apps are visible in the Common Module seen by Area Managers and in Kitchen Manager. Changes apply to every site
Site Type Forms: Used to associate which Form Types are available for use in which Site Types
Document Folders: Documents can be displayed on the tablet in folders. You have to enter a document in order for the folder to be visible. You can create an icon for each folder, otherwise a standard icon is used. Check how your icon looks on the tablet.
Form Folders: The same approach is taken for Forms as for Documents
Tablet Reporting: Choose which KPIs to make visible on the tablet and choose its colour, chart type and at what boundaries the values should be highlighted to separate good, average and poor performance
Invoicing - Invoice Builder: Produce invoices for any time period. Create your own data table from a selection of KPIs.
Invoicing - Invoice Configure: Format the look of invoices, adding logos, headers/footers, messages, and other content.
Suppliers: Suppliers of stock items, automatically added when you import
Food Categories: Each food item is put into a category which is automatically added when you do an import
Import: Import or update a stock list. Data is taken from a CSV file. If you import an item which already exists (as determined by the item ID) then the details will be updated, otherwise a new item will be created
Configure: Configure the Kitchen Manager Desktop and the Dashboard
Log file: Details Cypad application activity
Licence agreement: Licence agreement
About: Link to Cypad website
Admin Menu - Stock Items
Stock items are priced in Packs (sometimes called Cases). Each pack is made up of a number of Units. For example Brakes Tortilla Wraps come in a 12x320g Pack. The number of Units per Pack is 12. The price per pack is say £15 making the price per Unit £1.25.
For example, if you have 6 wraps left, a Config option determines whether you enter Units (6) or a decimal for parts of a pack (0.5)
The Edit Stock Item window
Code: A unique identifier for this item
Stock item: The name of the stock item
Supplier: The name of the supplier. To create new suppliers go to Admin/Suppliers
Category: The name of the category into which this stock item falls. To create new categories go to Admin/Categories
Pack Contents: Number of contents in pack x kg
Price (£): The cost in £ per pack
Priced By: Pack or kg
Units/Pack: The number of units in a pack (a whole number)
Price/Unit (£): A value calculated in £ based on the price per pack and the number of units per pack
Discontinued: This is checked if the item can no longer be ordered. Existing and previous orders will still include and make use of these items
Note: A note relating to the stock item
Admin Menu – APLs
With the Approved Product List (APL) you control when a stock list is updated. Prepare a product list update offline using the Desktop and, at an agreed date, release and replace the previous list. You can update the price, category and description. Existing and future stock items held on tablets are revalued based on the new values as soon as the tablet is synced.
You don’t have to use APLs to set up new stock items. You can ignore them altogether and simply update the stocklist items and prices when you need to.
Building a new APL
- Take the full stock list from a supplier or export the existing stocklist
- Ensure you include items for just one supplier
- Modify the columns required to import as described in Admin Import Import Type: APL
- Remove the stock item rows you aren’t going to use
- Save the file as a CSV file
- Go to Admin
- Click Import
- From the Import Type drop-down menu choose APL and enter the file name
- Click Save to complete the import. You will be asked the name of the APL
- Only items with matching stock codes are imported
- You are shown how many rows have been imported and how many failed
Managing APLs on the Desktop
- Click Admin
- In the Explorer pane select APLs
- From the drop-down menu choose from New APLs, Applied APLs or Old Stock Lists
- The APL you import appears under the New APLs
- You can compare this New APL with the existing Stock List or Old Stock Lists
- Click the APL to make changes:
- Edit APL: Update the name and date on which the APL is applied
- View Details: Update any of the items, their category or price
- Apply APL: Apply the APL now or set an ‘Apply Date’
- Delete APL: Delete the APL
When you apply the APL, any items on the old list - but not on the new one - are marked as discontinued
The effect of APLs on the tablet
- The cook will not know that a new APL has been applied so you should notify them well in advance
- Once the APL has been applied the cook will receive the updated APL when they sync
- Existing stock prices are updated to show any revisions
- Only items on the current APL can be ordered
- Discontinued items are still shown on the stocktake until the number in stock is reduced to zero
Admin Menu – Configure
Kitchen Manager
- Stocktake as units not packs
- Hide previous stocktake on tablet
- Ask Productions Date and Hide order value in Orders
- Answer whole group by clicking header
- Stocktake allow decimals
- Show prices on deliveries
- Populate staff hours from attendance
- Cash, Notes, Cheques together
- Global location number
- Ordering organisation name
- Number of days order will remain on tablet
- Tablet scrolling area
- Show kg to 3 decimal places when using kg receipt
- Disable ordering on Sat and Sun
- Delivery force note if order quantity change 1
- Show stock take line consumption
- Production sites order for dining centres
- Production sites to collect data for dining centres
- Allow managers to build reports
- Allow managers to only see their areas
Other Points
Choose which apps can be seen
You can control which apps are shown on the tablet. You will need to login as a Super User.
Go to Admin Apps for Module and uncheck the ones you want excluded
Showing Video Files on the Tablet
If there are any video files stored in a folder called ‘Cypadmedia’ on either the SD card or tablet storage, you will see a video app on the Apps list. You can then view the video (s).
Admin can also create a message with a web link to a video. Staff can stream the video on the tablet using YouTube.