You will use the Data Collection app to enter any repeating information that may need to be analysed later. This includes Meals Ordered, Meals Served, Halal Meals (if appropriate), Trading Days and Cash Sales.
This article will teach you...
How to use the Data Collection app.
Accessing Data Collection
Login to your tablet and select Data Collection [1].
Data Collection Functions
Data Collection will display Data Collection details for the Current Week [1].
Select the 3 Dots to access the Previous Week [2].
Selecting Previous Week will now show the Data Collection details for the last Working Week [3].
Clicking the 3 Dots will allow you to return to the Current Week [4].
You can rotate the tablet into Landscape to view the full Working Week.
Trading Days
Before you start inputting the information you must first set your Trading Days.
Located at the top of your Data Collection fields you can see a Cell [1] called Trading Days which you must select.
You must enter '1' into the On-Screen Keyboard [2] and select Ok [3] to save your input.
You can now see the Entered Value [4] within the Trading Days Cell.
You can now freely enter the Data into the Data Collection cells.
Non-Trading Days
If you require to switch a 'Trading Day' to a 'Non-Trading Day' you must again select the Trading Cell and enter '0' into the On-Screen Keypad. Entering '0' will prevent you from entering information into the Data Collection cells.
If needed you can add a note to the date, this will allow you to explain in further detail why the specific date has been marked a Non-Trading Day.
Select the Date [1] to load up the Notes section.
Enter the relevant details within the Notes Section [2] and select Ok [3].
You can see if the note has been saved correctly by looking for the Notes Symbol [4] just underneath the date.
Inputting Data
To start entering the information you will need to select one of the Cells [1].
Use the On-Screen Keypad [2] to enter the relevant numbers, and tap on Ok [3] to save changes made.
All entered data will now appear within the Cells [4] alongside the Total [5].
Please remember to sync your tablet so it updates on the Cypad desktop.
What happens when you have a Holiday/Inset Day?
The data collection app has been updated to sync with the holiday dates recorded on the Desktop System Admin Calendar. This allows it to skip holiday weeks when showing the previous week's data allowing Kitchen staff to see what happened in the last working week.
Holiday is marked in Green on the Desktop calendar for December 6th.
The Holiday date has been greyed out on the Tablet Calendar for December 6th.
For more information on how to use this function please see Data Collection Calendar.