When setting the Kitchen Manager Suppliers Max Item Limit or Max Order Limit (Soft or Hard values) you are limited to the Global level limits that haves been set.
This article will teach you...
How to set Max Item/Order limits.
Accessing Order Limits
Navigating to Kitchen Manager > Admin.
Supplier Order Limits
Select Suppliers [1] in the navigation tree and click the Relevant Supplier [2] from the Supplier List.
Open the Order Limits Tab [3].
Maximum Item Limit [4] and Maximum Order Limit [5] can be configured using the Text Fields [6].
- If the Item Soft limit is set to £20.00 the user will receive a warning when placing an order for an item that exceeds the maximum Soft order limit.
- If the Item Hard limit is set to £30.00 the user will not be allowed to order an item that exceeds the Hard order limit.
- If the Order Soft limit is set to £500.00 the user will receive a warning when placing an order that they are exceeding the maximum Soft order limit.
- If the Order Hard limit is set to £600.00 the user will not be allowed to place an order that exceeds the Hard order limit.
A Global Level Limit [7] will have been set during the supplier setup. If you enter a value higher than the stated maximum limit, the entry field will automatically change the value to the global maximum value.
Click Save [8] to finish the process.