Staff with multiple roles can now log hours on the tablet to track the time they have spent on each shift using Staff Roles Codes.
This article will teach you...
How to configure staff role codes.
Accessing Role Codes
Navigate to Staff > Admin.
Configuring Staff Hours
Select Configure [1] from the Navigation Tree and uncheck Populate Staff Hours from Attendance [2].
Adding New Staff Positions/Role Codes
Select Postions [3] from the Navigation Tree and click Add [4].
Selecting Add will open a new window in which you can fill out the details of the new Staff Role being added:
Description [5]
Enter the name of the new role being added to Cypad.
Code [6]
Enter the role code for the new role, please note staff members who have multiple positions will need this code when changing timesheets.
Rate [7]
Enter the hourly pay rate of the new role.
Select Save [8].
Newley entered Role will now appear within the Position List [9].