Once MIS Sync is installed and your schools credentials have been entered to log in, the next step is to configure the tool for use. The following steps will guide you through the one time setup required to enable the MIS Sync tool to pull appropriate people records from your SIMS database and send them to ParentPay to setup new pupils, staff and other accounts.
Once connected it's a simple process to upload records and in some cases can even be scheduled.
This article will teach you...
How to create a SIMS Service Account for MIS Sync and then install and set up MIS Sync to pull appropriate people records from your SIMS installation into ParentPay.
- MIS Sync must be installed on the same PC or server as the SIMS open VPN connector, using a Microsoft Windows Operating System; it is not possible to install on Apple/Mac products.
- You will need a dedicated SIMS Service Account with System Administrator and Third Party Reporting permissions.
Setting up a dedicated SIMS Service Account
Use these instructions if you have not already set up a dedicated account within SIMS to use with MIS Sync.
WARNING Though you may use a staff login or shared account to enable multiple third-party products, we strongly advise that a unique account is configured for each to adhere to GDPR guidelines.
- Log into SIMS Connected.
- Navigate to Focus > System Manager > Manage Users.
- Select New.
- Enter a suitable name in the Surname field e.g. MISSYNC
- Enter a suitable name in the Forename field e.g. PARENTPAY
- Select Continue.
- In section 3 Groups select Add.
- Choose System Administrator and Third Party Reporting.
- Take note of the username and password in section 2 Login Details.
- Select Save.
- Log in to SIMS using the username and password above. You will be prompted to enter a new (strong) password.
- Take note of these login details for later use when setting up the MIS Credentials in the MIS Sync setup.
Installing MIS Sync
New installations are for where no previous version of the application has been installed, for instance on a new server. If you are re-installing MIS Sync over the top of a previous copy refer to SIMS Local - How to re-install MIS Sync over a previous installation
This may require administrative credentials and should only be completed by a suitably qualified person, such as an IT Technician.
MIS Sync should always be downloaded directly from the ParentPay support site to ensure you have the latest approved version (see article How to get the latest version of MIS Sync.)
Once downloaded, open the zip file and launch the setup.exe file to begin the installation.
- Follow the instructions on the setup wizard. Once completed, the program will automatically launch.
- Select Live.
- Enter an appropriate ParentPay Username and Password
The ParentPay account used must be assigned the Overall role and must have been activated. We strongly suggest a dedicated account is set up in the Manager Application for this purpose to avoid loss of functionality upon a staff member leaving.
- Enter the school's Organisation ID in the format: school-x-xxxxxx
(This can be found on your ParentPay Manager Application home page in the top right corner).
- Set the MIS System to SIMS
- (OPTIONAL) If you have a proxy server in place at your school, enter the details in the Proxy Server tab. You may need to consult your IT Provider to determine these details.
- Select Continue
- Navigate to Tools [1] > Settings [2]
An error message, 'Could not locate SIMS with your current settings' will be displayed in the Connections field until the MIS credentials are properly configured (below). - Select the SIMS[3] tab
- Enter your SIMS Service Account login credentials into the MIS Username[4] and MIS Password[5].
OPTIONAL (For centrally managed multi-database setups only)
If you connect to more than one SIMS database using a single copy of MIS Sync, you will need to enter the Server name[6] and Database name[7] fields, using the format below. If you connect to a single database then these fields can be left blank.
The values are identical to those in your connect.ini found in your SIMS .NET folder- Server name = servername/instance
- Database name = database
- Select the yellow folder. This will populate the SIMS location[8] field.
- Select Test these settings.
If you receive a login error message confirm the MIS login credentials have been entered correctly and ensure that the SIMS Service Account being used has the appropriate System Manager and Third Party Reporting permissions in SIMS (speak with your SIMS Support provider if you are unsure how to do this). - Once you receive confirmation that the settings tested correctly, select OK to close the message.
- Select Save.
- Select the Connections[9] tab.
- Enter a Notification email[10] and ensure that both options are selected.
- Select Save[11].
- Restart MIS Sync. This allows the changes made in MIS Sync to be applied to the program.
- Ensure that the following messages are present in the Connections box:
‘A connection to ParentPay was established with these settings. Your username and password were correctly authenticated. Successfully connected to SIMS.‘