What do I do with remaining balances for leavers once they have been archived?

When pupils leave school they may have a debt or a credit balance on their account.

  This article will teach you...

How to manage credit and debt balances for pupils once they have been archived.

If a pupil has debt on their account and have been archived, this means that the parent is no longer able to see the pupils account in order to make payment. It is important to chase any debts prior to the pupil leaving so that these can be cleared before the pupil is archived. 

Clear the debt balance

If a pupil has an outstanding debt which you no longer want to pursue, you can remove this from the system so that it no longer appears in the debt reports.

  1. Go to Finance [1] > Record Adjustments [2]
  2. Select the correct Payment item [3] (e.g. Dinner Money)
  3. Choose method as Credit [4]
  4. Choose Group 1 [5] - PUPIL 
  5. Choose Group 2 [6] - Year group of pupil or ALL
  6. Enter the pupils first name OR surname [7]
  7. Tick Include leavers [8] if the pupil has been archived 
  8. Click Search [9]record adjs.png
  9. Locate the Pupil [10] in the list and type in the Amount [11] to credit.
  10. Add an Internal Comment [12] in the Internal Comments box to say why the debt has been written off (for audit purposes)
  11. Go to the bottom of the screen and click Credit [13]record adjst2.png
Transfer the debt to a sibling

If a pupil has an outstanding debt and a sibling currently at your school then you can transfer the debt to the sibling. 

First you need to credit the debt from the archived pupil.
  1. Go to Finance [1] > Record Adjustments [2]
  2. Select the correct Payment item [3] (e.g. Dinner Money)
  3. Choose method as Credit [4]
  4. Choose Group 1 [5] - PUPIL 
  5. Choose Group 2 [6] - Year group of pupil or ALL
  6. Enter the pupils first name OR surname [7]
  7. Tick Include leavers [8] if the pupil has been archived 
  8. Click Search [9]record adjs.png
  9. Locate the Pupil [10] in the list and type in the Amount [11] to credit.
  10. Add an Internal Comment [12] in the Internal Comments box to Debt transferred to sibling (for audit purposes)
  11. Go to the bottom of the screen and click Credit [13]re ad 2.png Next you need to debit the amount from the sibling.
  12. Go to Finance [14]  > Record Adjustments [15]
  13. Select the correct Payment item [16] (e.g. Dinner Money)
  14. Choose method as Debit [17]
  15. Choose Group 1 [18] - PUPIL 
  16. Choose Group 2 [19] - Year group of pupil or ALL
  17. Enter the pupils first name OR surname [20]
  18. Click Search [21]rec ad4.png
  19. Locate the Pupil [22] in the list and type in the Amount [23] to credit.
  20. Add an Internal Comment [24] in the Internal Comments box to Debt transferred to sibling (for audit purposes)
  21. Go to the bottom of the screen and click Debit [25]adju.png
Transfer a credit balance to a sibling

If you would like to transfer the remaining credit balance to a sibling you can do so as below.

  1. Select Finance [1] > Balance transfers [2]
  2. Choose the Payment item [3] you want to transfer from
  3. Choose Group 1 [4] - Select Pupil, Staff, Visitor etc
  4. Choose Group 2 [5] - Select the Year, Reg group or leave set to All)
  5. If the pupil is no longer on roll at school you will have to tick the Include leavers [7] box
  6. Click Search [8] bal trans.png 
  7. Locate the relevant pupil and select pupilbl tans 1.png
  8. You will see a Transfer from [10] Summary confirming who is being debited.
  9. Complete the Transfer to [11] section to locate the sibling you need to transfer to
  10. Click Search [12]balance trans sib.png
  11. Locate the pupil you wish to transfer to and Select Pupil [13]bal tansferr.png
  12. You will then see the Transfer from and Transfer to sections complete
  13. Enter the Amount [14] to transfer
  14. Tick Add comments/ Notes [15] and enter the reason for transfer for auditing purposes 
  15. Click Transfer balance [16] trans ba com.png
  16. You will then see a Success message to confirm the transfer is complete. succ trans.png
Refund a credit balance
1. Navigate to People > Pupils and staff
2. Select the appropriate groups from the drop-down menus
3. Select Search


4. Select the View statement icon
5. Select the corresponding payment item from the drop-down menu

6. Enter the date range which will allow you to view the payment to be refunded
7. Select Search

8. Locate the payment to be refunded.

9. Click on the blue ParentPay link to open the receipt page.
10. At the bottom of the receipt, select Go to refund page.

11. Enter the amount to be refunded
12. Select Confirm refund.


13. The payment will be credited to the payer’s Parent Account immediately, and a refund notification email will be sent to the payer.

Note - Payments over 24 months old cannot be refunded. You will have to refund manually -

How to complete a manual refund

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