FSM/ UFSM pupils are showing a Debt


Firstly you would need to check that the FSM and UiFSM allowance are set correctly for your school.


To check the FSM allowance -

1. Go to Attendance, meals & events > Settings > FSM allowance

2. Check the Allowance value set against each group.


To amend the FSM allowance:

Against the line - Apply to all of allowance group 1 

Enter the correct FSM allowance value into the first column

Enter the start date of the FSM allowance into the second column

Leave the third column empty

Select Dry run



The system will then make amend the allowance and ask you to Commit changes



UiFSM allowance can differ depending on your region - to find out more please see -

Universal Free School Meals (UFSM)


To check the UiFSM allowance -

ParentPay need to set the UiFSM Allowance for you.

You can check the allowance set by viewing a pupil statement though.

You can do this via People > Pupils & Staff

Locate a UiFSM pupil

Select the View pupil statement icon 

You can then check the statement to see if the meal charge and UiFSM allowance credit are the same 

uifsm balance.png


If the UiFSM allowance needs to be updated please see 

How to change the UFSM allowance


Please Note

Please note that the FSM allowance can be backdated up to 30 days

The UFSM allowance cannot be backdated - if the allowance is amended you will need to credit any debt occurred due to the difference manually. 


You can credit the debt as per below -

Navigate to Finance > Record Adjustment 

Select the School Meal Payment item 

Choose Method is Credit 

You can enter the Year/ Reg group or Individual pupils name in the first name or surname box

Click Search 

Enter the value of the amount to credit in the Amount box

Enter a reason for the credit into the Internal comment box 

Enter a note to the parent in the Notes to Payer box  

Scroll to the bottom and select Credit 


Tip - you can credit multiple pupils when doing a Record Adjustment but be sure not too take too long as the screen will time out. 




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