RM Integris Pupil Upload

RM Integris Users

We have developed an integrated upload facility to enable schools with an Integris MIS (Management Information System) to upload their pupil data via the ParentPay website.

Please see below ParentPay setup guide for information on how to set up your RM Integration


RM Integris integration guidance (Centrally hosted)

RM Integris provide a centrally hosted system for their MIS. In order to set up the integration (API), schools must complete a Datashare agreement within the RM Integris product, which will provide the necessary consent to share relevant data with ParentPay. Once complete, ParentPay will be able to configure the school to use the API within the ParentPay application to upload pupil and staff data.

How to complete the data share agreement                             

1. Log into the RM Integris system, and select the zigzag icon at      
the top of the screen.

NOTE: The RM Datashare agreement can only be completed by
someone with Admin permissions in RM Integris

2. Navigate to System management > RM Integris Datashare.
3. Locate and select the ParentPay tile.
4. Review the list of data that will be shared with ParentPay.
5. Select Grant Access.
6. Review the terms and conditions in the pop up window.
7. To accept the terms and conditions, select the check box, and
select Confirm.

8. A notification will then be displayed confirming the agreement.

NOTE: Additional guidance on completing this process is available
on the RM support site at the following address:


IMPORTANT: Should you require any help with completing the RM
Datashare, you will need to contact RM using your normal support

How to enable the integration (API)

Once the RM Datashare agreement is complete, a request can be submitted to ParentPay Support to enable the interface. The interface will be configured for the school and a test pupil upload will be attempted to ensure that the integration has been successful.

The school will be contacted either with a success notification or advice that an issue has occurred with the configuration of the RM Datashare, requesting that you contact RM in order to resolve this.

The following guidance provided by RM will assist you with setting up your Integris system to ensure the connection is made successfully to ParentPay

RM Datashare agreement guidance

Copy link into your URL: http://help.rmintegris.com/welcome


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