Viewing a pupils statement


How can I view a pupils statement?


The easiest way to identify the balance for an individual is to view the statement. You are able to view an individual statement for all accounts uploaded to your ParentPay site, this includes Pupils, Staff, Visitors or any other accounts you have created.

To view a statement go to People > Pupils & staff


- Group 1: select the relevant Pupil, Staff, Visitor, Other or Pre Admission group
- Group 2: select the relevant year/registration group or select All
- Click Search

If you need to look at a leaver’s account tick the Include leavers checkbox


Locate the relevant pupil then click on the Pupil statement icon mceclip2.png

- Choose payment item: select the payment item to view information for
- Start and End dates: select a relevant date range
Click Search


The statement will display information on how the payment was made within the Description

ParentPay – a payment made online using a debit or credit card
PayPoint – a payment made via a PayPoint store
Cash – a cash payment recorded on the system by a member of staff
Cheque – a cheque payment recorded on the system by a member of staff
Other adjustment – a manual adjustment to the account recorded on the system by a
member of staff

Clicking on the payment type link within the Description column will open up the receipt page. Details of the payment will be displayed here. If you need to cancel or refund a payment you will be able to action this from the receipt page.

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