Transaction charges


Thank you for contacting ParentPay

I can confirm that the Payment Service fee is 1.275% 

The fee incorporates all Card Transaction Fees (merchant account, payment gateway, acquiring bank) and PayPoint Transaction Fees combined into a single flat rate fee. There is no minimum fee per transaction, no fixed pence charge and no minimum payment value**. We are committed to ensuring best value and will review the Payment Service Fee regularly.

* The fees quoted above are NET of VAT, which will be charged at the applicable rate, currently 20%. VAT invoices will continue to be produced alongside the Settlement Statements.
** PayPoint has a technical restriction of £1 per transaction 

VAT invoices will be available online via Finance > Reports > Collection Service Invoices for individual schools to download at the end of each settlement period. Local Authority and caterer customers with multiple schools will receive VAT invoices sent to the usual contacts.

Should you require any further advice regarding this please do not hesitate to let us know.

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