How to manage your calendar

Many functions within ParentPay require the open and closed days of your school's academic year to be configured. Correct setup will ensure pupils and staff are not incorrectly charged for meals and events on days the school is closed. It also disables auto top-up and balance notifications during holiday periods.

The next academic year is made available in March. Schools will be required to enter their next year's calendar dates during the End of Year process but can also manually manage these at any time.

This article will instruct you how to correctly enter your term dates (open days) and then define closed dates, including half terms and inset days.

Managing term dates

  1. Select Settings [1] > Manage Calendar [2]Manage_calander_2.png
  2. Under Manage term dates [3] select the correct Academic year the select the Choose [4] button.
  3. Enter the First day [5] the school is open to pupils followed by the Last day [6] it is open for each term.
    NOTE: It is only possible to enter dates in the future.
  4. [OPTIONAL] Select the Add a half term holiday/mid term break [7] check box and input the first day that the school is closed into First day of half term/mid term break [8], and then last day it is closed into Last day of half term/mid term break [9] (normally Monday through Friday).
  5. Select Save Changes [10]

Managing closing days

Closing days are additional dates that the school is closed (outside half term holidays configured above). These include inset and teacher training days, polling days, bank holidays, etc.
To add or edit closure dates, complete the following steps.

  1. Select Settings [1] > Manage Calendar [2].
  2. Under Manage closing days [3] select the correct Academic year [4] 
  3. To add a closure date select New from Choose closing days [5] then select the Choose [6] button.
  4. Enter the appropriate Date [7].
  5. Select Save [8].
    WARNING: Always ensure Choose closing days [5] is set to New before adding additional days.

  6. To remove a closure date select it from Choose closing days [9] then select Delete [10].

Take a look at the video below for a visual explanation of this process.

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