How to create a Single Payment trip

Many trips offered by schools will require a fixed cost to be achieved in order for the trip to go ahead, rather than allow optional contributions. A Single Payment Trip allows schools to set a required amount payable. Payers can then make the payment through their parent application screen, after which the payment item will move to their archived area.


To set up and administer a Single Payment Trip:

  1. Navigate to Payment items > Trips
  2. Select Create trip
  3. Enter the trip name and select Create trip
  4. Enter the Description of the trip
  5. Select whether the Date of trip is One day or a Date range and enter the required dates
  6. Select Save & continue
  7. In Type of payment, select Single payment
  8. Enter the Cost of trip and the Payment due date
  9. If payments will no longer be accepted after the due date, deselect Allow payments after due date
  10. Select the bank account that payments for the trip will be credited to
  11. Select Save & continue
  12. If required, edit the Consent description
  13. Select the check boxes of any information required from the payers in Collect pupil information
  14. Select Save & continue
  15. Select Assign people to trip and enter the year/class group(s) or name(s) of individual people to assign to the trip
  16. Select Assign people
  17. Select Save & continue
  18. Review the trip details, and edit as required
  19. Once ready to make the trip available to payers, select Publish or to save the trip to publish at a later date, select Save for later
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