Some trips do not require a payment to be made, but still require parents or carers to provide consent, or emergency contact details.
A Free of Charge trip allows payers to confirm a place on the trip for their child without making a payment. It also allows the school to collect consent and emergency contact or medical/dietary requirement details.
- Navigate to Payment items>Select Trips
- Select Create trip
- Enter the trip name and select Create trip
- Enter the trip Description
- Select whether the Date of trip is one day or a date range
- Enter the Date, or the Start date and End date of the trip
- Select Save & continue
- In Type of payment, select Free of charge
- Enter the Confirmation due date (This is the date that payers must confirm their child’s trip attendance by.)
- Select Save & continue
- If required, edit the Consent description
- Select the check boxes of any information required from the payers in Collect pupil information
- Select Save & continue
- Select Assign people to trip
- Enter the year/class group(s) or name(s) of individual people to assign to the trip
- Select Assign people
- Select Save & continue
- Review the trip details, and edit as required
- Once ready to make the trip available to payers, select Publish, or select Save for later to publish at a later date