How to create a Free of Charge trip

Some trips do not require a payment to be made, but still require parents or carers to provide consent, or emergency contact details.


A Free of Charge trip allows payers to confirm a place on the trip for their child without making a payment. It also allows the school to collect consent and emergency contact or medical/dietary requirement details.


  1. Navigate to Payment items>Select Trips
  2. Select Create trip   
  3. Enter the trip name and select Create trip
  4. Enter the trip Description
  5. Select whether the Date of trip is one day or a date range
  6. Enter the Date, or the Start date and End date of the trip
  7. Select Save & continue
  8. In Type of payment, select Free of charge
  9. Enter the Confirmation due date (This is the date that payers must confirm their child’s trip attendance by.)
  10. Select Save & continue
  11. If required, edit the Consent description
  12. Select the check boxes of any information required from the payers in Collect pupil information
  13. Select Save & continue
  14. Select Assign people to trip
  15. Enter the year/class group(s) or name(s) of individual people to assign to the trip
  16. Select Assign people
  17. Select Save & continue
  18. Review the trip details, and edit as required
  19. Once ready to make the trip available to payers, select Publish, or select Save for later to publish at a later date
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